I am not surprised at the amount of show we received here in the mitten. We were told up to 12 inches, and we got around four or five. Everybody at work (a high school) was talking about the district being shut down for the remainder of the week, but I was skeptical. Looks like I was right... damn it.
My "What I'm Playing" to the left is a partial lie. Those are the games that I wish I was playing at the moment, but I've been busy. Actually, "busy" is relative. I am working two jobs now, but that's not taking all of my time. Most of my time has been spent either with my wife or trolling various websites. I'm still not used to being finished with my Master's program. I'm still playing Elemental: War of Magic in hopes of finally getting off of "novice" difficulty.:shock: I'm also dabbling in Planetside again, but mostly on Thursdays when a small group from my online gaming group is also playing.
I still haven't touched either of my consoles in months. Poor things are gathering dust. It's not that I don't have good games to play on them, I do (Alan Wake, Halo Reach, Super Mario Galaxy 2...). It's just that I can't pry myself away from my PC.
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