Looks very interesting. From the developers of The Witcher 2.
Gammit10 Blog
Dear Esther: On this island, we do acid and speak in figurative language
by Gammit10 on Comments
While this may be worth $5-10, it better serves as a mod and not a stand-alone game. At first, I was transfixed by the beautiful artwork and odd plot. The premise of playing an adventure game without puzzles or enemies intrigued me. But, after an hour of what seemed to be innane rambling by the narrator,I decided I had enough... which was fine, because the game ended.
It's worth a play-through, even if only to discover what some people are talking about. But, it's definitely not worth the full price tag if you expect anything exceptionally stimulating.
Planetside 2 Developers Increase the Awesomeissity
by Gammit10 on Comments
Slowly, this game is moving from MMOBF3 and morphing into a true sequal to the original Planetside. The mechanics are sorting out such that there are both fast-moving mechanics and more methodical mechanics.
If this game keeps moving in this same direction, we will have an MMOFPS winner of epic proportions.
Also, it's good and fun n' stuff.
Goodbye, City of Heroes
by Gammit10 on Comments
After reading that NC Soft was going to shut down City of Heroes, I was dismayed. How could they shut down the first/best superhero MMORPG? Didn't providing a free-to-play method of playing tempt more people to drop small amounts of money on items in the cash shop?
Then I asked myself, "why did I stop playing?" Well, it was because the graphics got old, the missions were repetitive, the powers weren't unique among the various superheroes, and the items in the cash shop weren't worth my money.
Well--I thought--maybe things have changed. So yesterday, I logged into Freedom and pulled up Altruist, my Mutant Telepathic/Telekinetic Controller and procedure to play for 20 minutes. "Hell yeah," I thought. "With my updated hardware now I can crank up those graphics and see what's changed!"
Well, nothing has changed.
At least, not for the aforementioned reasons for my previous departure.
So, I lay City of Heroes to bed, knowing that I gave it one last try before watching the sun set on its server. I've been going back and forth as to whether or not I will try City of Villains one last time, as I never really gave that a fair shake when it first came out.
Bored with Heroes of Might & Magic V
by Gammit10 on Comments
Turn-based map exploration that is very slow: check
Turn-based combat: check
Ugly graphics and non-moving lips: check
No redeaming features in first 30 minutes of gameplay: check
Let this be a lesson to all who throw money @ online sales (STEAM, Gamestop, Origin). You can get burnt, even if for only $6.
Planetside 2 NDA Lifted
by Gammit10 on Comments
The premise, engine, day-night cycle, sound, and particle effects are great, but at the moment there is a lot of work needed for the meta (chess-like/map-moving) game. It currently feels like a shooting game slapped on a good engine with major ideas still needing to be implemented rather than tweaked.
With fast capture times, capture nodes that are exceptionally easy to access (with many out in the open), sprinting/ jet packs for infantry, few base walls, and a fasterTTK, the game is more of a large whirlwind of captures and shooting than a strategy/tactics/shooter/vehicle game that PS1 was.
With the original, I can remember hour-long drawn-out fights, the name of all bases, etc. As of the current build base names are irrelevant, as the fight will quickly wrap-up at its current location and resume elsewhere within 5-10 minutes. I really do not see many hour-long fights occurring here. In this sense, it feels more like a very large UT3 with fast-paced decisions yet different capture areas.
As a medic, I am doing much more reviving than I am healing, which is more similar to my games with Battlefield 3 and very different from Planetside 1.
As of right now, it's a modern shooter with some PS-elements (80% modern shooter, 20% Planetside) rather than a re-take on Planetside with some modern mechanics. Some vets, including myself, were hoping more for a much different ratio. I played PS1 over Battlefield, UT, Call of Duty because of the differences.
What's worse is the large number of people in the beta who seem to prefer this, and that is frustrating. The entire game moves exceptionally fast and will likely be a great hit for the monster-energy-drink chugging crowd.
I'm not dogging the devs. If this game continues to play out this way, I will move on and wish them well. However, as of the current date, the game is disappointing to a long-time veteran. That being said, my hope is for continued MAJOR tweaks by the development team, who has been very communicative thus far.
Just Shootin' the Weekend Breeze
by Gammit10 on Comments
Enjoying the hell out of a game's alpha build; one I cannot name. I can see the potential in this thing already, and I hope it takes teh gaming world by storm when it releases.
Enjoying Titan Quest and wondering why I never played it when it came out. Probably due to that weird thing where I'm afraid of playing/seeing new things because I'm worried I won't like it. Man, that's dumb.
Finished all campaigns for both Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. It's about time. Sadly enough, I definitely see why people prefer Left 4 Dead 2; it's levels are much more interesting than the fomer.
Just bought Borderlands 2 on pre-order and got a premium edition upgrade free. Pre-orders never happen for me, and it's a testament to just how awesome the original game is/was.
The entire Underworld movie series is amazing, except for the last one. That's really too bad.
Still haven't touched my Xbox 360 or Wii in over a year, and I don't foresee this changing anytime soon.
Planetside 2 - E3 2012
by Gammit10 on Comments
MMOFPS (2,000 players per battle) with three continents at launch (wherein each continnent holds 10+ bases, and each base is the size of a BF3/CoD map), tons of vehicles and weapons with customization, it's Free-to-Play, and it looks amazing.
Can NOT wait for beta!
Planetside 2 Alpha Highlights
Planetside 2 Massive Air Combat
Planetside 2 E3 2012
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