I hope 'restructuring' includes firing Steve Ballmer and replacing him with somebody that's actually up to date with the requirements of modern society.
Most of Microsoft's employees have the training needed to do their jobs properly. Steve Ballmer, the CEO, on the other hand does not seem to at all.
This is similar to how lawyers are now trying to target BitTorrent just because some people happen to use the software for piracy purposes despite it having many other uses, including for the companies those lawyers are supposed to be working for. It's ridiculous.
It actually costs absolutely nothing to copy a digital file. So it's not even like anybody's making a loss due to piracy. Those that do pirate probably never would have bothered spending any money in the first place regardless.
So the only people that gain any benefit whatsoever from slamming down on piracy are lawyers.
I don't support piracy but publishers should really stop using it as an excuse. They're actually wasting more money hiring lawyers, that have sweet-talked them into thinking they're really making a loss, than they would have gained if said pirates had actually paid for their products, which is doubtful.
@enoslives7 What's with people and not being able to use Wikipedia?
Google 'Wikipedia Nintendo', 'Wikipedia Microsoft' and 'Wikipedia Sony'.
Compare each company's total revenue and total equity.
Yeah, Nintendo is making more than both Microsoft and Sony currently and have a lot more investors. They do NOT need to go 3rd party to stay alive. They could actually skip a few generations and not do anything and they'd still be fine. (Well, their investors might get pissed off but meh)
@Krellenn How so? I read the entire report on Eurogamer and I assure you, she wasn't actually 'blasting' or 'backstabbing' the company. She was just providing an informed perspective on life as a Valve employee.
@pspearman @Setho10 @Slim_Lyrics @Warful Well, it kinda defies the whole point of a console since if you're going to be making customers pay for TV licensing on top of the hardware, those customers might as well just buy PCs instead, which offer all of those media features and more.
But I agree, a lot of people are contradicting themselves. They claim that they don't want multimedia features, yet they most certainly use those multimedia features regardless and if they weren't present, they would probably complain even more.
Garagorn888's comments