Its been a rough road, but now, its about to get rougher. The next area that needs to be explored is the home land of Ganon, the land of the Gerudos. Now, this area is still part of Hyrule I would assume, as this entire area is all considered to be Hyrule. The people of the desert though, are an interesting sort that do not seem to abide by the rules of others. Well, I suppose that one could make such a statement about all the different tribes of Hyrule, making them states (or, provinces if your Canadian like me) that together make up the wonderful land of Hyrule, or something like that. I digress, back to the adventure at hand.
Upon arriving to Gerudo Valley, one of the first aspects of the valley one will notice (besides the awesome music) is that the bridge that way back in the day when Gary was 7 years younger stood (or I suppose more accurately hung) strongly, had now fallen apart so to speak. Luckily, Epona was easily able to clear the slight gap and after conversing with the boss carpenter for a bit, I decided to help find his missing workers who had wandered off to join the Gerudos, I was heading in that general direction anyways. I'm sure the Gerudo would help me out, well not really. If they followed Ganon, they might not prove to be very friendly, although I'm sure they wouldn't do anything rash like throw me in jail the first time they saw me, right, right? That was a slight miscalculation on my part....
Being thrown in jail upon riding in all "hero like" is certainly not a glorious experience. Luckily, there was a wooden overhanging within the pit I had been thrown into that just begged to be the target for my hookshot. Gary then landed on what one may call a window still that overlooked the entire Gerudo area. Obviously, walking around an area in plain sight of Gerudo guards is not a good idea, especially the predicament I had just been placed in, so I took the only logical course of action. Barrage the guards from above with a multitude of arrows! They were all incapacitated, allowing me to enter the complex, and after some more frantic arrow firing, I started to meet up with some of the carpenters which had also been incarcerated and could only be released by retrieving a key. Luckily, the Gerudo that had the key would always come around and attack me. Some impressive battles later, all the carpenters were free and fixed the bridge. (Thats it, after all that, they believe that an even trade for their lives is the rebuilding of a bridge that I will never need to use?) Much better in my opinion, was the Gerudo who had been "following" me watching the demise of her cohorts in battle. She applauded (not really, would have been cool though) my efforts and made me an honorary Gerudo! Now, I could ask them to open the gate that lead to the desert that contained, the last temple, the Spirit Temple.
Of course I headed off into the desert right away, they wouldn't call Gary the Hero of Time if he just sat around all day. (Or would they....?) Epona wouldn't come with me (darn lazy, good for nothing horse.) So I was on my own, except I suppose you could count Navi, although she is more of a hindrance and could be categorized as an enemy by some. She proved to be no help in the desert, no help any where really. Well, the first "trial" was easy at least. Just hookshot across the river of sand. The man selling bombchus for 200 rupees was a different matter though. I mean, this isn't exactly the best business environment, although I do suppose he has a monopoly in the area.... Yup, I also had to follow a ghost and stuff, but really, this portion was all about the guy on the magic carpet selling stuff in the sandstorm like conditions.
Emerging from the desert area, is another desert area. Before I gave up hope though, I spied a larger structure in the distance, the Spirit of Temple! Errr.... that doesn't sound right... Temple of Spirit! Joy aside, I bombed a nearby wall to attain the last of the three magic powers. Another one I would not use. Anyway, I headed for the temple and entered happily, although where was Sheik to teach me a song? Upon entering, I discovered that I could not progress. (What is the meaning of this? It said "Spirit Temple" when I entered. What did I miss?) Distraught, I exited the temple and meet Sheik, who taught me a song and after a bit more wisdom, left. It turns out I had to come here as a child, via the teleportation song, so I did just that.
Entering the temple as Young Gary, I meet the second in command of the Gerudos, Nabaroo, who was against Ganon as well. (An ally? One thats actually not dead and/or useless?) She wanted me to get the silver gauntlets, which I did in the temple, only to watch here to get captured by the boss of the temple. (Shucks, so much for an ally). I then had to go back to the future once more and complete the temple as an adult. This I also did and was not only rewarded with a shiny new shield, but also with the coolest dungeon in the game. In short, Spirit Temple rules.
The boss, first sends A brainwashed Nabaroo after me which I defeat and the boss makes disappear. (kills?) I then run into the boss (I should say bosses) again and conduct battle. Victory is easily attained in conjunction with the Biggoron Sword and the Mirror Shield. I then discovered that Nabaroo (Seems like everyone who pays the slightest more importance to the plot and dislikes Ganon becomes a sage in this game)is the sage of Spirit. Intriguing. I now must head back to the Temple of Time, where some sort of surprise awaits. (I just bet Ganon is going to have some part in the surprise. Its a given by now)
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