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Gary_Jinfield Blog

The Hunt for the Wind Element

To get to the Witch which has the mushroom needed to wake the shoe maker, One had to first solve the problem at the ranch. All that needed to be done was shrink down to Minish size and find that key. I then traveled through the area and explored a bit. After some more time passed, I flew over a patch of water(via a wind current) and arrived at the entrance to the appropriate part of the Minish Wood. It was a strait forward path from there.

I attained the mushroom, (after having to pay 60 rupees for it) and returned to the shoe shop. It was there that I attained the legendary Pegasus boots. Now I could get across Castor Wilds. I headed for the area right away, after buying a larger bomb bag with the help of the new wallet I found.

The treacherous terrain of Castor Wilds was interesting to experience again. The swamp was filled with thorns and was also the area for the first Dark Nut battle of the game. There is nothing like a battle with something else that carries a sword and shield to see how awesome the Dark Nuts are. At any rate, the whole point of this area was to find the bow, and then find three special kinstones. These kinstones are distinctive due to their gold colour and odd shape. Leon had to fuse the three  kinstones with statues...  yeah. A path then opens up to the next area.

The ruins according to Elzo, were the remains of the Wind tribe. Of course, he still thought the Wind Element would be located in this area, so I had no choice but, to travel onwards into the ruins until I reached the dungeon.

Inside, there were great patches that could only be dug through using a special item found in the dungeon. This, and the Dark Nut located in the dungeon were the main attractions. There was a bit more backtracking then normal, yet this was probably my fault as I overlooked a certain portion some way through. The dungeon also featured those friendly Stalfos and those ever so frustrating Wall and Floor Masters. They did not prove to be difficult to deal with. The dungeon was quickly explored and thus, I came to the boss fight. Picture a floating head and floating hands with on eye ball on the palm of each, thats the boss in a nut shell. One must shoot the eyes with the bow and then shrink to Minish size and enter the boss' head via its mouth. A pillar would then need to be attacked. The process would repeat until the boss was defeated and Leon finds out that the Wind Element had been moved. Instead, the Ocarina of Wind was the prize. Looks like the Wind Element will evade my grasp... for now.

Side Tracked

Walking back towards the town, a cutscene begins where Elzo explains exactly what happened. You know, Vaati taking the Minish Cap, searching for the light force (probably the tri force) ya-da ya-da. At any rate, Leon was then confronted with Vaati himself who created a fiendish trap to ensnare the brave hero.

Encircled within a rock barrier, two vile monsters appeared in front of the grand hero. They snarled and charged automatically at Leon, hoping to cause some grievous injury. Fortunately, their spears connected with the cold hard rocks as Leon circled behind them. They gave a stupid grunt of surprise, yet their reaction was painfully quick as a spear sailed over Leon's head. Feeling the violent distortion in air, it was quite obvious the brutes strength was not to be sneered. The other beast charged again, resulting in another miss. Leon had rolled out of the way as the beast had raged forth. Unfortunately, The other charged at Leon as he came out of his roll, slamming him against the rock. It had been a shoulder charge and the monster now pined Leon to the rock with his massive hairy arm which preceded to grab Leon's throat. Luckily, it wasn't for nothing that a sword was in the hero's hand. Leon drove the keen blade into the the arm that had him gasping for air. The monster recoiled with a thunderous yelp followed by a mighty bellow from its companion signaling a charge. Leon ducked and allowed the beast's movement to drive the sword he had extend outward in to its belly, tearing flesh and sending sprays of... err maybe I exaggerated a bit...

At any rate, the Moblins were defeated and I set off to the town, fused some more kinstones, and made for Castor Wilds. Upon the journey, I met a poet who needed to fuse kinstones which I immediately did. I then continued the journey and finally arrived at the swamp. (On the way, there was a cut scene where Vaati gained control of the king and ordered all guards to hunt for the light force.) Well, the swamp caused Leon to sink to fast and I now need to attain the Pegasus boots.

I walk (well roll) all the way back, talk with Master Smith, do the whole heal the guy from the evil spirit thing to gain a gift later, and I went to the shoe store, err... shoe tailor. The guy fell asleep, I talked with some Minish, and now I have to find some "magic mushrooms". Just another day in Hyrule...

The White Sword and the Second Element

Charging full speed at the next dungeon may not be the greatest  idea, yet it does provide a sense of adventure and daring. The monsters and puzzles within the Fire Cavern were no match for Leon and a bit of luck. The most notable features included a few crazy mine cars that traveled at astonishing speeds and the platforms that Leon was to use to get across lava infested areas. It was imperative to not stay on one platform for too long since each platform would crumble under Leon's feet. A slight fall into lava was interestingly not very damaging, yet it did set Leon back to whatever solid land he had been on last.

The boss for the level was easily defeated.... once I remembered that the cane of Picca had to be fired at the monster's shell. The first part of the battle say Leon dodging blasts of fire, only to run into to slightly damaging patches of flames. Suffice to say, Leon was sent scurrying across the screen with a burning behind on more then a few occasions. Eventually though, a misguided Cane of Picca shot connected with the creature's shell which caused it to stretch its neck allowing myself to use the neck as a bridge to the shell which was then met with a flurry of strikes. It didn't take to long to gain the second element, the Fire Element.

A return to the master Minish upon the mountain rewarded me with the White Sword. I was then tasked to take the sword to the Elemental Sanctuary which was said to be located in Hyrule Castle. After a bit of needless exploring, I descended down the mountain back to the town. I then spent some time fusing and collecting money. Unfortunately, I need 600 rupees to buy the larger bomb bag (right now I can hold 30 bombs) and even with the second upgrade to my ability to store rupees, I cap out at 500.

Well, after a bit more searching, I traveled to the Castle and found the secret door to the shrine in the courtyard.The white sword has now been powered up with the two elements, earth and fire. Only wind and water remain...

The Quest of the Picori Sword Begins!

Thus has my epic journey through the Legend of Zelda began. Now, to make the journey slightly more interesting, the main hero within the play through will not be named Link. Instead, each different hero will have a different name which gives each of the gallant heroes a greater sense of identity. Plus, I had already used the name Link tons of times in various other play throughs of the games that a change could provide much greater results.

Now, I restrained myself from giving the hero of The Minish Cap some sort of humorous or moronic name. This is Zelda after all, a place were the hero should have a proper name.

After much inner turmoil and consideration, I decided upon the name of Leon for the adventure that would unfold within the realm of the Minish Cap. I had played a large amount of Resident Evil 4 previously and wanted to make a slight reference to that amazing game that had captured such a large amount of time. With that, Leon began his quest to save Hyrule from the evil Vaati, the hoards of monsters that had been unleashed upon the world, and returning princess Zelda back to her original form.

The game preceded as normal, with Vaati overpowering everyone in sight, whooped Leon easily (that small shield was little help), and turned Zelda to stone. The king then gave Leon the quest of searching out the Picori and restoring the legendary Picori sword, the only weapon that could save Zelda. (Its interesting how a young boy who has never really shown any prowess in battle is now the person the king is counting on) At any rate, Leon made his way to the Minish, Met with the Minish, ya da ya da. The dungeon was completed without much difficulty and Leon made short work of the chu-chu boss which did get a few cheap shots in, yes, they were cheap shots. A few conversations with Minish later and Leon was on the search for money and kinstones. At this point, I wished to expand my wallet and attain the boomerang. A few kinstone fusions later, Leon was off to the mountain area where he manged to get lost at one point, but quickly found the right path and after a close call in a rainy area, made it to the Mountain Minish, which promptly began reforging the sacred Picori sword.

Next up, the second dungeon and the Fire element!

A Journey Through Zelda

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is slowly drawing near and I find myself being pulled into the mythical world of the Legend of Zelda. I haven't been looking forward to a game like this since the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. From all the information that one is able to gather so far, to say that Twilight Princess appears promising is an understatement. Even in an interview with Nintendo, it was stated that they were going to try to make a game better then Ocarina of Time which is not only considered one of if not the greatest game of all time, but also happens to be my personal favorite.

Under these circumstances, I have decided to replay a Zelda game to help prepare myself for the coming game. Its been so long (or at least, it feels that way) since I last played one and now is as good as any to revisit that magical world. I was however, daunted with a heinous question, which game should I play? Surly a legend such as Ocarina of Time instantly comes to mind, yet I could not be fully constrict myself to playing just one Zelda game, especially since many of the others i have only played once or twice through. So what answer did I come up with? Play all of them in succession of course!

But now, another question preceded to reveal itself, in what order should they be completed? Being someone with a great interest in the story elements and how the games fit together, I have decided to follow a timeline theory that I agree with most. The order (including Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass, is as follows)

TMC-FS-Oot Child-MM-FSA-Alttp-La-Loz-Aol-Ooa-Oos

              -Oot Adult-Tp-WW-Ph

Yes, its a a double timeline theory. Before I answer the obvious question, I must eliminate some games.

I won't be playing Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass since they arenot out yet making it somewhat impossible to play them. Link's Awakening, Legend of Zelda, and Adventure of Link must also be eliminated from my play through since I do not own the games and have found that none of the stores around my area carry the games or their remakes. Four Sword must also be eliminated for that requires another person to play through. This only leaves Wind Waker's position uncertain.

Well, after some deliberation, I have decided that I am going to play Wind Waker after Majora's Mask but, before Four Sword Adventures. This will group all the 3d Zelda games together and such not effect the experience to greatly.

So, this will be the order that I play through the games:


That comes to a total of 8 awesome games.

Now, as I play through them, I will be updating this blog on my progress. This obviously means that there will be spoilers so be wary if you have not played one of those games. They go in that order though, so it should not be difficult to avoid spoilers for a particular game. I also won't be collecting every single item in a game. The purpose is just to get through the adventure.

With that, the journey through Zelda begins with the Minish Cap!

The Oddity of Falling Blocks

I attained Tetris DS a little over a week ago and I am still finding it quite enjoyable although it does not compare to the Tetris for the original Game Boy. There seem to have been a rather large amount of useless additions that hinder the overall gaming experience, but I digress, that is not the main reason  for this blog post. As many of you are undoubtedly aware, Tetris DS has online play, and it would be nice to add some other Tetris DS players to my friend list.

Here is my friend code:

  • 7684
  • 4366
  • 6343

There is nothing like odd blocks falling from the sky...:P

Hunter or Hunted?

I have had Metroid Prime Hunters, and I must say it's multiplayer is easily the best I have seen on the DS. The sheer amount of options when battling friends and rivals truly make the game great. The only bad thing is that fighting random people via find a game is very tedious and troublesome. Luckily, the other multiplayer aspect more then makes up for it. If anyone has the game, send me your friend code, mine is:


Can't wait to see you on the battle field.

Review Glitch

I can't seem to give the Minish Cap a score of 9.0 in my review. I guess I will have to settle for 9.1 but, I'm wonder why is it like that? Is it a glitch on Game Spot? (I assume it is) If so, I wonder when will it be fixed.


I decided to rate all the games I have ever completed. (Or remember completing:P. I'm sure I have forgotten some, but I will get around to adding them once I remember. I hope to one day have written a review for all those games I have rated which will definitely take quite a bit of time. In other news, I recently discovered a few games for my N64 and Pc that I had forgotten I owned. Unfortunately, they aren't really any good. At least I have the New Super Mario Bros. to look forward too.

Another Game, and This One has Interesting Locals

I just attained a new game today, Resident Evil 4. It has been quite interesting so far and has been rather enjoyable although it is a bit awkward with that letter box.:P I must admit it did take a bit of getting used too with the no drafting, but I think I have adjusted somewhat. At any rate, it has provided an interesting experience so far although, I doubt it will reach the greatness that was Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door. That game was just so darn funny.:P