@Keitha313 Like TLoU or Halo sells badly because they're not on PC, right. And seriously, Dying Light? It's pretty, but for a parkour/zombie game it is VERY slow. The guy on that demo couldn't hit the zombies while running, so everytime he needs to kill someone, he has to stop. The combat is dull like on Dead Island and all the animations look like a rip-off from Mirror's Edge.
@yourdem1ze @Geardudu Consoles are PCs where developers are the ones worrying about optmization, not users. You don't have to update individual drivers in your console. You don't need to foward ports to play certain games. Everyone have the same system and the same game in consoles.
What I hate about PC gamers is that they spend a lot of money on gimmicks and high-end hardware just to play the same game with improved graphics and then brag about it. It's funny to see their frustration when they can't have these games.
@yourdem1ze I have a good gaming PC and a 360, and I just love when a game this great isn't released on PC so this "master race" shut up. I hope MGS V and GTA V won't come to PC as well.
@HowlPendragon That's because indies are good, but not when 110% of your plataform titles are indie games (Minecraft in 2014? Seriously?).
I'm justifying the purchase by Smart Match, Skype, Snap, Xbox Live, exclusives (like Titanfall, Quantum Break, Halo, Sunset Overdrive and Forza), the best controller and Kinect. I think that should be enough...
@blast880 @Geardudu @ACLOVERLORD I'm interested on Smart Match, Snap, Skype and Cloud processing. I didn't really care about the TV stuff but since you can wait to join a server without being on the game with Smart Match, switching to TV while I wait and get a notification when the game is ready sounds great. If I wanted the same machine with better specs I would buy a PC (which I did, I own both a PC and a 360)
@blast880 @ACLOVERLORD You meant "something with barely anything new", right? Xbox One does almost everything PS4 do with many other features, and I invite you to prove I'm wrong.
@BamaGoatt They're probably trying but PS4 has not a broad, official support to that yet, I think that's why they're being evasive. They can't say "no" if they're at least trying.
@Smartestguyhere @Penguinlord1 See? You treat them as human beings, capable of loving and raping consumers. One PR guy screws and everyone's feelings are hurt.
Geardudu's comments