@northArrow @saltbalsak PS4 will charge for online gaming. Why? Because these things cost money. I bet DVR on PS4 will be the same, because no company can manage to store tons of HD videos for free. Youtube fills you with ads for that.
@grbolivar @Geardudu Wii it's weaker than its counterparts but sold 20+ million units more than 360 or PS3, because it's movement controllers were interesting and it was cheap. Wii U doesn't really have any big inovation, is weaker and One has SmartGlass while PS4 has Vita.
What's important is that games are still beautiful on this gen, like The Last Of Us, even if that doesn't mean 4k res at 120fps. They'll reach a standard on next-gen that will be ok for everyone while it lasts. Consoles are competing against each other, not against PC.
PS: I own an Xbox 360, 3DS and a 2 year working PC that is good for games as well (I run BF3 at high with 30fps). I'm not saying specs are not important or that PC's aren't good for gaming, but they're two different things. People should get both, in my opinion.
@jophy @Barrakas21 Nor Halo, Forza, Gears, Banjo, GTA V, Red Dead Redemption, Crackdown, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Mario titles and so on. This only proves specs aren't the only thing that matters when it comes to gaming as PC users say.
PC's have better specs but people don't really care, get over it.
@Rave215 no, raw numbers are far more important than games or features. Because, you know, fanboys know a lot more about what specs mean than those hardwares engineers.
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