@A_Rabid_Dog @bwgamer Kinect 2.0 knows which sounds are coming from the TV and ignore it, and then there's the array of directioned mics. It may not be as good as a headset but you can't say PS4 offers you a better option with that cheap cell phone earbud that comes included.
@BULLBOYKENNELS @otaku95 We need more people like you on the internet. It's not because I'm a Xbox & PC gamer that I should say PS is crap. I really liked PS4 and I'm looking foward to play with the first friend that buys it.
It's good to have two equally powerful consoles with unique capabilities so everyone gets whats suits them better and the market doesn't get stale!
@shanthjibu I think it's a great price point too, specially by the amount of features it offers beyond gaming (wich is by no means left behind or "out of focus" since One can be 100% games or 100% media, it's up to the player), but now that MS dropped the mandatory installs, it would be a good idea to release a version with a smaller HDD so they could sell it cheaper. I have 120gb on my X360 and it's more than enough for my daily use.
@IamTheBesteva @gaming_binge Sony is better because they f**k their clients and they don't even know. You lose your credit card and the online service for a month and then they give you some games like a tip for the taxi.
@Atragon "I would only buy an Xbox if they dropped the DRM" *MS drops DRM* "Turncoats! I won't buy an Xbox because I don't believe their words anymore!"
@brainiac1988 @sja28 @Geardudu @Celsius765 @FULGOREY2K My Steam library with 46 titles has uses about 220gb of my HD. Anyway, it's not like I need my ENTIRE COLLECTION installed at the same time, if I'm not playing a game anymore I can uninstall it and download it later or install from the disc.
Wich reminds me of a thing: if your PS4 disc scratches, get ready to buy another copy.
Geardudu's comments