[QUOTE="h575309"]CoD4 is amazing. GotY IMO for SP and MP standpoint. Simply beautiful, well constructed and well polished. IW knows how to make shooters. I love Halo 3 and played alot (got to Brig) but CoD4 is just refreshing and more fun now. I hope more people pick it up. About 100k people on Xbox Live at night on it. So you will always find people to play with. Its a popular game as I see it sold extremely well in Nov. To whomever was on the fence on CoD4, snatch it up. You wont be dissapointed.PandaBear86
I am playing CoD2 and loving every minute of it. I will get CoD4 once I finish 2. :)
Don't bother with COD3 and yes there are way too many grenades in MP. You have the option(perk) to throw a grenade when you die and most people use that option.
[QUOTE="Udsen"]We need to buy twice the games now because we lost Rikusaki!Udsen
No big loss there
Rikusaki is my leader. DO NOT SPEAK BAD ABOUT HIM. I do not care how far into the depths of Microsoft he goes, I know his Sony spirit is alive and well.
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