Man this game just keeps gettin better an more exclusive i cant wait
what hardcore gamer out there would pass up the chance to experience a metal gear solid styled game ONLINE how fun could this be? well ull only be able to find out on the ps3
this could be the next starcraft/wow/counterstrike if konami gets it right lke the single player epicness of the previous games an makes it perfect multi wow what a killer combo the 360 will bedead meat as far as online gamin is concerned an pc might haave to look out cuzpsn is free an not 15 bux a month like WoW
I'm having too much fun with my 360 and want to see what it's like to trade it in for another system. The PS3 and Wii are both junk and people don't buy games for them so their 3rd party software support will most likely be obsolete.
I thought long and hard about it and decided to trade my Xbox 360 for a Xbox 360. I hope I am doing the right thing........
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