@lingo56 all of these comments are troll responses. it would be far more constructive if he posted well thought out responses. but he chose the troll ones to make fun off.
But these dont show the quality of the game or how strong the arguments are, but only shows the level of education of some people in the internet.
It is a way of having fun i guess, but it is not constructive at all.
Moreover, the review should not be biased. 4/10 means dont buy this game. sales disapprove this review. I guess most people bitch about it, because gamespot didnt review with professionalism.
Now asid from the troll responses, 4/10 means that the game is really bad and gamespot doesnt recommend the game at all.
But the fans give it a 7/10 or something, meaning there is a really big difference here.
We all know gamespot loves originality etc, but the same principles/scoring should be used for all games (ie call of duty)
And before someone says about fan rating, i remind that in almost all of call of duty games, the fans give them worse rating than the gamespot review
This disrepancy in fan-gamespot rating & the fact that dead island: riptide sells for quite a lot now (2nd week it is first), indicates that the reviewer was slightly biased about the dead island series/combat/whole system.
Sometimes i think that Gamespot is a little bit too harsh on some titles/sequels.
For example:
Dead Island Riptide =4.0 , Fans =7.0
Resident Evil 6 =4.5 , Fans =7.1
A score of 4-5 means that Gamespot is suggesting to us that these games are garbage.
A score of 3 points higher than the fans, means that the Gamespot reviewer didnt approach the review with a clear head and he leaned a bit on the hater/cranky side.
Just because some games dont reinvent the wheel and repeat themselves,
or tread upon some questionable gameplay mechanics, etc,
this doesnt mean that they should immediately thrown away like crap.
1) the enormous amount of money lost is hypothetically speaking.
2) the 4 million mention was by the CD Project Red developer
3)CD Project Red dev has said many times that, games need to offer content for people to buy them
His quote was: "some companies even discard the manual, and they save 10 cents per game, dicard other content, yada, yada and in the end they offer nothing, and they alienate their customers"
Thats why we support CD Project Red, cause they make awesome games plus they DONT have a miser's (scrooge mcduck) hoarding $ mentality
Geogyf's comments