mass effect 3 had poor planning & rush.Still OP game.
1.So many companions not bothering to help in ME3, instead going yolo excuses ( the galaxy needs save, but i got wife to care about).
2.Mass Effect 3 had only 6+1 DLC companions (same as Mass Effect 1), while Mass Effect 2 had 9+3 DLC companions (10+3 if you also count Morinth)
3.The original writers of ME, ME2 were pulled for Star Wars MMORG, not helping in ME3.
3.Original idea was that the Reapers were harvesting to stop a greater evil (imagine that!), not that strange cause "kill galaxy cause synthetics+humans cant cooexist".
4.Bottom line, Starchild & Cerberus only evil in ME3 & Reaper Excuse was NOT in the original writers' view.
5.Even DLC didnt fix plot hole (although it helped a lot)
"Shepard: My girlfriend & friends are hurt, but i should call the normandy to take them "safe away" (LOL) &expend resources rather than rush the citadel & save the galaxy.And if shepard couldnt kill mass effect 3 boss Marauder Shields, galaxy would be toasted"
6.EA bearhugging helped a lot in this
a.Star Wars pay mode (Bioware wanted free 2 play)
b. Many ex-Bioware Employees explaining EA bad tactics
c.Ray Muzyka, Zeschuk leaving after ME3 & Star Wars (meaning EA did not back them, they forced them out through inactivity/mentality we will find another)
Still a very good game (and with good sales).
I thorougly enjoyed it (9/10 for me) , but dont deny the fact that if it wasn't rushed/planned better it would be a much better game.
I blame mostly EA for all of this
So Yeah, better to wait for a game a bit rather than rush it
thats bs and mostly hyperbole, cause Colonial Marines wasnt that successful.
The old alien games were really good, but lets move to the new ones
The AvP games (particulary the AvP 2) was one of the best games out there. introduced new lore, new stuff and never failed to impress. we would go out in internet cafes by the dozen or more to play it. it was very famous. 9/10 at least
Even the last AvP was okish, a bit movie focused (good stuf), and not so multiplayer good (clunky) and really short solo campaign. 7/10
Please dont compare the mediocre latest Alien game (mediocre graphics, really short campaign, a half-hearted attempt i think)
@shanethewolf gamespot editors fail in that regard. WoW is a lot about raiding in dungeons with party members.
tactics how to defeat the raid bosses are needed so a little preparation is needed in the form of a leader giving a pep talk and explaining the strategy needed.
In that example, Leeroy charged ahead and tried to kill the entire raid. he also pulled nearly all the monsters by going all around and that was a total TPK (wipe).
Geogyf's comments