@InYourMouf: Are you seriously comparing the two games?
First of all i am not talking about the console versions, ok?
Watch Dogs was intentionally downgraded by Ubisoft so the console versions would be similar to the PC versions. The showed a PC version trailer that was very different with the actual PC version, because they had the high settings locked.
We got the high settings because modders unlocked them, exposing Ubisoft's bs move, which they apologised anyway.
How can you compare that to Witcher 3?
Witcher 3 even had a ultra setting for the new cards which werent out in the market yet!
@InYourMouf: While you are right in general, in Ubisoft's case you are NOT.
Ubisoft showed a trailer of Watch Dogs with superior graphics.
Because obviously the Console version couldnt keep up with the PC version, they deliberately downgraded the PC version by locking out graphics options.
Their scam was easily noticeable, since modders changed the graphic options on PC.
It literally took them a few hours to do so, so what you said doesnt apply in that case.
Sadly Ubisoft (while their games are good/ok) is one of those companies (like EA) who look only for themselves first and the consumer later (Uplay problems, Skylanders pricings, AC Unity 99$ microtransactions, Destiny problems, Evolve DLC pricing problems, Division problemsetc)
There is a reason some people call "Ubisoft is the new EA".
@GreySeven: From a sense it makes sense (because they added many FF 7 spinoff games).
It would certainly be nice to see more ties to the WRO organization, Deepground, Advent Children, more Angeal or Genesis etc.
But from the other sense it doesnt (too many fans have different opinions, cant please them all for sure).
Honestly its good they take the episodic approach (because it is such a big investment, and who knows if it will pan out).
For my part i would love that they focus on new FF franchises or spin off games (like other FF worlds, ex more Tactics, or more Ivalice games in general).
But no realy its a very very good game that focuses more on the world, locations, dungeons, epic monsters rather than the character interactions.
It has a serviceable story that continues in post-game (true ending, the world changes, new megadungeon, new monsters appears etc)
And there is also the Bitterback Isle (new megadungeon that is probably best tackled after post-game). Like the vanilla game, it also has a hidden ending (Bitterback Isle post-game).
One of the criticims of the vanilla game is that instant travel was not available at the start or that it was expensive.
Dunno, but i didnt find it expensive at all (I played the vanilla version) plus the instant travel is lore-friendly (you need a special item that you get after a certain point).
Anyway Dark Arisen lessened the costs by 1000% (20000 gil to 2000 gil), so there is literally no excuse now.
Resembles a bit of FF12, with its various optional sidequests, hidden dungeons, hidden espers to find and majestic locations.
Geogyf's comments