@DukeMagnum @R2C25 You people are such retards, you mouth-breathing PS3 idiots. (I own both PS3 and 360 btw). PS3 doesn't have exclusives EITHER. It has LBP, Uncharted, MGS4, and Infamous. Those are the only franchises. It also has heavy rain, yea, and the last of us isn't out. LBP is not a good game, MGS4 is a movie and the franchise itself is not PS exclusive. MGS5 will be PS exclusive, and so will Heroes, big flipping deal. You sit here and act like your exclusives are worth sh it but they aren't. Infamous is just an AC clone and it has a significantly less interesting story.
@DukeMagnum @R2C25 Battletoads, KI, Conker, and Perfect Dark are all owned by MS, chief. Microsoft owns Rare. It's a Microsoft exclusive studio. It has been for years.
@R2C25 IF they did that then many old gamers would be happy. KI and Crimson Skies and Conker are three very popular cult classic games. Perfect Dark rare has already fucked up so there's no point in that.Battle toads, dude, the GameStops would be torn asunder if they released a Battletoads game with the next console. Even if that shit still has 16 bit graphics people would buy the bejesus out of it, 60 bucks or not. Maybe a Battletoads HD collection.
@GamerOuTLaWz @Vodoo @R2C25 @Celsius765 PS All star battle is a rip off of Smash Bros which unto itself is a shit game. And Ico/Shadow collection doesnt count as a PS3 exclusive.
@thebeachguy90 PS3 doesn't have a library. Uncharted 1 - 3, MGS4, Heavy Rain, Little Big Planet, Infamous. Four of those games no one gives a shit about (LBP1 and 2, Infamous 1 and 2), one of them isn't a game, and the other three could have been on Xbox with ease.
@thebeachguy90 @R2C25 @DukeMagnum Our ps3 exclusives have super support, eh? Like h ow Uncharted 3 and 1 have no extra content? Like how there aren't even unlocks in Deception? Or how MGS4 is just a movie? Heavy Rain? Or how about infamous, a boring assassin's creed game with superpowers? Yea, totally amazing exclusives. Can't say any better for 360 but the exclusives on both aren't that special.
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