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Giratina667 Blog

BK Bonanza part deux

Alright,Item awards,now!

2nd best collectible.(The Jiggy reigns supreme,period)

JINJO!!! These are also one of the most important to the quest,collecting all the Jinjos in a level/family got you jiggies in the first two games.(Not so for Nuts and Bolts)

Best egg:

The most useful of the eggs,these buggers contain remote control bombs modeled after Kazooie herself.The items were used quite a bit in thelater sections of Banjo Tooie.(extensively in Terrydactyland,possibly in Grunty industries,on several occaisions in cloud Cuckooland,and during the final battle.)A weapon few Tooie players want to go without

Best Shoe

Turbo Trainers.Race the fastest enemies,races and even walk on water (tooie only)with this sucker,what elsecould you realistically ask for?


Best Banjo-Kazooie move

Flight.Do I really need a reason?

Runner up:Talon trot.Fast,easy,convenient,and hardly ever annoying.

Best Banjo Tooie moves

Hmm...this is hard,too many excellent moves.Break 'em down!

Best Upgrade:

Bill Drill:Like BK's wonderful beak buster attack,except.IT CAN DRILL STUFF MAN!

Best water move:

Talon Torpedo.A potent weapon against any of Jolly Roger Lagoon's aquatic antagonists,cool to see Kazooie act as a controllable weapon without relying entirely on Banjo.

Best egg based move:Egg aim (any form).One of BK's most annoying limitations solved with this wonderous early game Gem.

Best Mobility ability:Glide,you no longer have to look for flight pads to go airborne.

Bestoddball move:Breegull blaster mode.The game transforms into a very Goldeneye like First person shooter,the motif of the BK series only adds to the hilarity and charm of the move.It's also one of the few things hardly any platformer has really tried to replicate since.This actually inspired me to try Metroid Prime and later play some of the 360's shooters.

I can't really say much on what's the best,since they're so radically different it's hard and probably unfair to try and pick one.

Best Minigame:Saucer of Peril.A frantic ride through Witchyworld on the same named machine,how many targets can you obliterate?

Best regular boss:

Mr. Patch:I'm a sucker for the aerial segments,and Mr. Patch's battle is the one of the largest of all.If only Rare had implemented airborne egg aiming in the original Banjo-Kazooie,could you imagine fighting Grunty that way?Well,this is as close as we can get right now,so this is why it wins in my book.

Best Final Boss:

Grunty(in Banjo Kazooie)

Ah,this battle mixes a lot of things a final boss should have.Amazing,memorable music, plenty of variety,a funny bit,and decent difficulty.The Hag1 was close and shared many of the Grunty Battle's charms,but there wasn't enoughvariety in what you had to doto damage her,and with a repetoire nearing 40 moves,that's hard to excuse.N&B's pathetically easy 5 vehicle end of game showdown with her never happened.

Next,part three Dubious honors and closure.Meanwhile,enjoy this wonderous educational video on the dangers of happiness.(not meant for the faint of heart)




Today's lesson:If I post a video unrelated to the primary subject,don't watch it.:P

Super Banjo Series countdown special Part 1.Levels

Alright,having finished Tooie 100%,I am prepared for THE FINAL...erhm..A BK countdown special.

Levels first alright top....I'm going to say 7.This countdown is superbly subjective and illogical.

7.Cloud cuckooland

This aptly named level is probably one of the most unique (if not demented and evil) levels in the series.The vast variety of objects,minigames and locales make it hard to putin one place,and the premise itself is rare.The game also hosts some of the most bizarre quests in the game.From infiltrating Giant,moldy cheese to sanitizing a giant trashcan and trying to earn brownie points with the local bees,it'd be hard to say there isn't variety.The only significant problems with the level are the hoops you have to jump to make significant progress through Jiggy quests,alot of people also seem to have problem beating Canary Mary's clockwork mouse races.(Hint,just because you mash the button doesn't mean you go as hard as you can all the way through.)

6.The Jiggoseum

While we're not starting anything with N&Bs split recieved gameplay,when it comes to the level itself,it shines as one of nuts and bolt's best.The level has a simple multitiered system making it easy to get around,and it's only competitor in the open air department is Nutty Acres.The Jiggoseum,despite being a sports arena,has some of themost creativechallenges in the game,and even the races usually have a bit of a twist to them.Games such as "Up to the Oche" , "The Jiggoseum Torch , "Nine Ball Nightmare " , "Bear In a Ball", "Brown Bears Can't Jump", Who left the TapOn?"and even more make up the top notch of Nuts & Bolts' vehicle challenges,and it still leaves a strong impression replaying the challenges.Platforming it tragically offers little of,but that doesn't stop it from being a contender.

5.Freezeezy Peak

One of the best remembered levels in Banjo-Kazooie,Freezeezy peak is a Winter world of peil.The violent Sir slushes have you to play "catch" with and the water is deathly cold,but that's never been much for a BK fan to handle.The chief landmark of this world is the gigantic snoman in the center (suspicious this looks like SM64 moment).The cast,while small,is memorable.Wozza the (grubby) walrus has a Jiggy,Jinjo,Honeycomb and one special surprise in his cave,and the comical Walrus transformation is the only way to get in.Boggy the polar bear and his kids live in an igloo near the entrance.This adorable family of doomed mammals gets a nasty holiday meltdown.(Boggy manages to appear in both the main series games after this.) The disgustingly charming yet surprising level manages to hold a unique place for such a generic level theme.


The condemned amusement park run by Gruntilda,Witchyworld isn't the most charming level,showing what laziness and neglect can do to places.Banjo and Kazooie just happen to be the 5th and 6th visitors since the park reopened.While there isn't much to say about level in terms of design,at least it's easy to remember.The real highlight of Witchyworld is the minigames!Holding no less than 4 minigames,there's little shortage of yuks to be had.Dodgems,Hoop-Hurry,Balloon burst and or course,the one and only Saucer of Peril Ride make Witchyworld pretty much a blast between the admittedly stale (for the most part) platforming segments.The boss is also one of the most enjoyable battles in Banjo-Tooie.Airborne egg aiming for the win.

3. Nutty Acres

Nutty acres to me,represents the Banjo Motif best out of the Gameworlds in Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.A fusion of new and old,it takes the mystery and exploration of the old Banjo games and fuses it with a trippy and unusualvisuals. Out of straightforward racing levels and fetch missions,Nutty acres does best in terms of challenges.The main attraction is the vast and wonderous world to explore.Rolling hills,cliffsides,Pools,a river,Volcano,the clouds and even the artificial workings of the world itself are able to be explored,and the beautiful Graphics provided by the 360 hardware make it quite enticing.The open space making it good for testing new vehicles is a bonus.The only real problem with the level is the lack of aquatic races,and the rather narrow focus of the challenges.Still,for those craving a hint of the glory days without blatant homages need lookno further.

2.Click Clock Wood

No picture available

The massive Click Clock Wood level is,for all intents and purposes,four levels packed into one.The flow of time throughout the forest is fascinating,and while all the same general layout,no section feels like the other.Watching a bird grow,helping Gnawty and Nabnut throught the seasons and a few other quests make itfeel abit like you're being sucked into the story.That quality,along with the decent and challenging platforming make it a good closing level as you edge towards the final showdown.

1.Hailfire peaks

Hailfire Peaks,like click clock wood is a split level,though less straightforward.Can't remember when this trope started,but this is onethe first levels I remember having a polarizing theme (WetDry worldfrom Super Mario 64was earlier).The levels polarizing themes don't just stop at the level standpoint either.The two sides have different general patterns for Jiggy collection too.(On the spot tasks for fire and multi-step quests for ice.) the colosseum kickball game is a fun diversion.The disgustingly adorable snowball transformation makes for some decently crazy quests,as does Mumbo's spells.Boggy and his family return too.The way the twin worlds are so drastically different,but interconnected,as well as the funny and memorable scenarios (let's not forget the Dragon Bros. )make it a level nearly any Banjo fan should play through.

Honorable mentions:

Grunty Industries

I was so very close to choosing this one,Barely missed the mark,though I had to balance my choices.The level is exceptionally designed,with boundless surprises and unique navigation.It almost made it,but the initially slow pace,as well as the dull and dreary atmosphere was a deterrent,and the only memorable characters were Loggo and Weldar.If it weren't for that,stacked with the irritating enemies,it would probablyhave made it past CC.


EPIC.NOSTALGIA.TRIP. Banjo Land is a Semi Retro Gamer's dream (The 64 isn't old enough in my book).It gives you a variety of timeless Banjo objects and locales,gusses 'em up for the new generation.The level certainly does it's part to give you that sensation.The level is even in the shape of Banjo's head!The chal;lenges,while not up to the Jiggoseum's standards,are still fun.The only thing that kind of ruined it was how messy it looked.The Level is also notable for having the only legitimate medley in a Banjo game,as well as being orchestrated (or they used some amazing synths.)

Mumbo's mountain

For rememberance,the level isn't very remarkable otherwise.

Best Hub world

Showdown Town

Before you proceed with the criticisms,let me begin with this:Showdown Town,in terms of Gameplay,is the most Banjo-esque part of Nuts and Bolts.It's the epitome of exploration and collection.The massive number of collectibles,boundless secrets above and below ground,the familiar faces,the lively atmosphere and a nice soundtrack tie together this large,multi-tiered,Stop 'n' Swop equipped level.If you disliked Nuts and Bolts,you have to at least admit this was pretty neat,and no more room cutoffs!

That's all for now Stay tuned for part two:Items,moves and battles!

Canary Mary and Grunty,thou hath been owned

Beat Banjo Tooie XBLA (no difficulty downgrading in this one.) I got everything in the game (yes,that means I beat Canary Mary all four times.:P ) I just have to earn the new "things" (If you've played both XBLA games,you'll know what I mean.If you don't,look it up.)


Well,that's not true,I still have Viva Pinata and Gears of War to play,and some games I don't feel like playing...*snoozes*

How many of you beat the game 100%?

Bad,good and better news.(Life Post)

Well,bad news first.He's straight.(Shame for me.He was quick-witted,nice and a stunner to boot.)

Good news,we have a nice new oversized house.We'll be moving in as soon as the 10th,so if I stop posting you'll know why.

Better news is that one of my sister's freinds may be able to help me look for potential dates.

Glad it was brief for once?

asking out question and SnS news


The Rare Witch Project and Iprsent to you...

Stop 'n' Swop

Well...that was a backhand and a curveball at the same time...

Anyway,gonna ask one of my freinds (well,at leasta trustorthy ally) about a crush.I think he is gay(He said he was once,but I couldn't tell if he was serious or not),but I need to ask her to check.A'ight,here's the question: how do I ask him out? He probably doesn't notice me much outside of a few freindly gestures.It'd be kinda weird if I asked him out and he never knew I knew...

More about me and a...wait for it...Opinion Blog

More about me,roll it out!

-My favorite game of all is Paper Mario,among roughly 12 others

-My Favorite song is "The Bottom" (you don't want to know why)

-I listen to nearly any kind of music you can imagine.

-I've never studied for more than 3 minutes for a test.

-I'm incredibly jumpy,knocking on the door is enough to startle me,suddenly appearing in front of me while I'm alone is enough to make me scream

-I have an extremely short temper,I just keep it under as strict control as I can.

-I get frustrated extremely easily.And if failure is continual I often lapse intofits ofself-directed physical punishment,I don't want to hurt anyone or anything...

-I do not tolerate failure on my own part under any circumstance.

-I have some...odd preoccupations

-I can't really take crap from anyone,harsh criticism I'm immune to.But stupid remarks...

-I'm a chronic procrastinator.

-I've collected over 100 Bionicle figures.I recently began dismantling some sets (It's mostly been the crappy sets.) By the time I'm done the only ones I want intact are all the 2001 sets except for the Rahi,Takanuva,the Rahkshi,Lhikan and All of the Makuta.

-My favorite food is cheese

-I'm incredibly modest about my appearance,so much so I refuse to so much as go to the pool or change my shirt in front of other people.

-I can't have pure or slightly diluted forms of milk.

-I'm an incredibly envious person

-I constantly obsess over my body weight.Over 100, Overthe toilet.

That's more than enough for now,Next the

I like the Xbox360more thanthe Wii.

Thazzit.You're probably wondering why,well mainly:They actually releaseGood new games at a decent cycle on this platform.(To pierst123:Yes,yes I know,I acknowledge that there are excellent third party games on the Wii,however none of them seem to compel me.besides,our used Wiigameselection is bone dry,we can't even find major games used,and we aren't financially privelidged in being able to buy new games.) I only ever see one or two desireable releases a year,and my Xbox 360 library is already larger than my Wii's.(Sparing Downloadable games.)

I'm getting quite tired of their business practices,they're starting to churn out not much more than recycled material and unstimulating sims,not to mention,20 years of Jerk moves starts to wear on your conscience as a consumer.(well,Microsoft is like that too,but at least they're not completely stubborn and arrogant.)

Besides...1T HA5 13H STUPZ 'N' SWUPZ!


That is all.> _ >


Sorry for not posting sooner,distractions...

Why must you mock me so.The Stop 'n' Swop trailer WAS released.(It was a limited time download,sadly) but,not much about it was told.Here's the video,if you want to see it:

***Mild spoiler Warning***

As you saw,we got little more than a mini-tutorial on how it works and an old prize from the fake Stop 'n' Swop (I doubt that all the eggs unlock only one thing,and Heggy's text was cut off,so don't make assumptions about it.)

I wonder if the Devil Bottles mode will be in this version.(Look it up,I can't tell you everything > _ >.)

Of Note,as one may have noticed onthe Stop 'n' Swop gamerpics (limited edition,they took it off today,actually.;_; ) they've made 3 more eggs for this release,what they really do: I don't know,probably to accomodate for the real prizes that the three ones in the original chewed up.Thoughts?

The mystery of the secret eggs and the key

Well,tomorrow is an important day for Banjo Kazooie fans abroad.For those of you that don't know,a brand new (and the first) trailer for Banjo-Tooie will be released,promised by Rare to be the a piece to the puzzle of the one mystery plagueing the community for close to 10 years:

What was Stop 'n' Swop?

For those of you wondering what the crap I just said and why "Swap" was misspelled,let me enlighten you (in spoiler tags)

[spoiler] Upon Collecting all 100 Jigsaw pieces in the original Banjo-Kazooie,the titular pair's ally Mumbo Jumbo the Shaman showed them three magic photographs featuring 3 mysterious items that the player couldn't reach: A pink egg,a Blue Egg and a key made of Ice.Mumbo assured the two that answers to this riddle would arrive with the game's sequel,Banjo Tooie.But,as fate would have it,they did not.Due to hardware modifications inbetween the games' releases,the process required for this feature to work was impossible.The feature was dropped and left gamers baffled.The three items existed,but in a different form and not acquired through the process proper.After a pair of disgruntled fans (one a founder of the Rare Witch Project website) they discovered something shocking,there were not 3 eggs (there was a third egg that players could interact with in 'Tooie.) But Six,further deepening the mystery. [/spoiler]

The original plan having failed and been left a mystery,I and other Rabid fans of the games have clawed at every secret concerning it,but to little avail.Last year,with the release of both Banjo-Kazooie and N&B,the 7 Items of SnS were made available for the first time to players that had played both games.With the Official announcement of a Banjo-Tooie rerelease,and the promise of a working Stop 'n' Swop,the mystery may finally be solved...

OR WILL IT!? :twisted:

I jest,but I hope this nonsense is laid to rest,so I can finally get to sleep.

Was this Blog filler? Kind of,but I intend to discuss the trailer tomorrow.You Xbox Live Users and Youtube snoopers best be ready!*goes mad* (the trailer's free,as you probably expected.)

Oh yes,just bought Bioshock today,if you didn't care about the rest of this garbage.

The raging GS user Giratina667 and the DSi of Doom

You're probably wondering why I keep naming blog titles about the bloody fanfic that's taking forever.Well,it's like Stop 'n' Swop,you just keep flashing it in their faces until you disappoint them miserably.(actually,while it's relevant,there is news on that subject,amazingly enough.I'll link to it at the end of this post.)

Erhem,onto the real subject.With some godly fortune I sacrounged me up a DSi (sacrificing my DS lite in the process.I still have the old DS model to play GBA games on.The DS lite and a dreadful crack in it's hinge that makes it flip too far,the main reason I bought the DSi.)

While the marketing directors should kick themselves for that name,and I still loathe the absence of a GBA slot,I'm glad I got the thing.Impressions by feature:

Menu:Alright,the controls are trippy and I would have preferred a tile setup,it does what it needs to and it can be rearranged from the get-go.

Camera:This comes across as a great convenience,seeing as my sister's camera is broken,and the editing features make a nice diversion.I would show you pictures,but your eyes would spew blood and you would convulse horribly,so I'll spare you.

Shop:About the same as the Wii version,I do wish they would get rid of that inconvenientwelcome screen.I do hope they stock Gameboy titles for it in the future,but that's probably an extreme stretch.

That's all I've played with so far,sorry.

Anyway,here's a brief bit of news in the link,bottom of the article,past the first set of Gamerpics:

Almost finished with Banjo-Tooie,actually.Just have to smash that dreadful Final Boss.(My aim sucks.>_> )


I've been playing Banjo Tooie for the past while.Right now I'm in Terrydactyland.It's getting tougher.Speaking of tougher,I should play the first game on the 64.I wish to face down the Rusty Bucket once and for all.

I've been playing nuts and bolts.I've actually found a method to create a rotating laser cannon and anartillery totem,That way if I could actually play online,I would completely destroy everyone.Maybe.*shrugs*

Gimme more Jiggies!OwO