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Giratina667 Blog


The cushion on my wavebird's thumbstick ripped,I kept thatcontroller intact for more than 5 years.:cry:

so now.I have only 3 fully intact controllers.:(

But I still have muh twoWiimotes,Classic controller and both Nnchuks.:).

Speaking of dying things,I'm certain that once Brawl is released the gamecube is DEAD altogether.Anyone agree.

Brawl's acceleration

What do you think will happen near Brawl's release?I think the news will accelerate at over 9000 miles per second,and stuff will come everywhere so we won't know what the real info is.

Destroy something for free!

I sto-err...... bought Meta Knight's COMBO CANNON (play Kirby superstar or look at the Dojo)

Pick something to destroy and choose your method of destruction (grapple claw or C-C-C-C-COMBO CANNON.)

Choose now!

4Kids must die!

Here's 5 reasons

1.They don't pay attention to the source material

2.They recasted the Sonic voice team,even when the candidate actors were given voice clips of the SA2 cast for reference

3.They sold one of their most popular (if tired) Dubs to a newbie company,and the actors weren't carried over

4.They don't release uncut versions of dubs

5.Meta knight speaks.'nuff said.

Stupid post

Sorry for being inactive,haven't really felt like commenting on blogs.:(


My new favorite word to say:fruityness

What? .27% short ACK

Sometimes I wish there weren't decimal points in the level system.-.-And I actually WANT to get to level 20,unlike everyone else.:cry:

Where is mah Sonic RPG?

There's been almost nothing about it since it was announced,why can't I help being concerned.:?

Oh and,fun fact: Yuji Naka originally intended Sonic Adventure to be an RPG,hence where the Adventure fields come from.

LOL Google.

This is froma direct translationof the Smash Bros. Dojoby Google.It's from the Dragoon update.

"I also smash the ball, but I messed up because cravings for items
scramble fun!
うまくゲットした時のよろこび。 Get well YOROKOBI times. なんとか避けようと緊張する対戦者。 I managed to avoid tension and foe.
いい風味のスパイスになったので、ぜひ多人数対戦でどうぞ。 Spice good flavor because of a very good opponent in the multiplayer"

view more here.XD

MORE shopping....

I got....

The rest of the Bionicle Phantoka sets...

The invader Zim complete Series...

Volume 1: Doom Doom Doom

Luigi's Mansion,Animal crossing,F zero GX,Sonic Mega Collection for Gamecube.

And Hyper Space by Michio Kaku