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Giratina667 Blog

part 2

erhem,continueing further.....

next,let us look at Nintendo.

As you likely know by now,Nintendo aims for a mass market,this is all well and good except if that MASS market is captured,we shall become the minority,and if we become the minority,demand will become relatively lower than the masses,and guess what happens then?

(If you can't figure it out, we get fewer games)

and without core games,fewer people become aware of core gaming because of that,(which means even lower demand) and the cycle would likely repeat itself into oblivion,and the craft of lore may be wiped off the earth for all time. :cry:


Of course it's extreme it was part lecture part story.Thank you for listening

The end of our days?

Soon enough,the 8th generation consoles will release,but what will have happened by that time? If you would allow me,i will go into a brief lecture. - First let us turn to the past. To me, games seemed more difficult,take the classic example of battletoads,IIRC most people couldn't get past the second level. Now,look at Super Mario Galaxy,the hardest level wasn't very difficult to beat. Beside said example,I find that I finish most games within a week.( I'm 13,mind You,) The evidence is a tad extreme,but you get the gist. - Unfortunately,i'm using my Wii,so this is becoming arduous,please wait for part 2.

Better now...

I managed to get through Gamestop and get some things:

F-zero GX

Animal Crossing

Sonic Mega collection

Luigi's Mansion

-for DS,-



The pain!

It feels like I broke a tendon in my neck,and nobody's home,and I can't contact anyone.**** it!


I finally got back from my Grandmother's,My Christmaspayload was:


-From Family-

Mario Party DS

A GC controller

SMG Game guide (even though I already beat it,though at the time I thought I'd need it.)

A Lego Bionicle action figure (poke fun if you must,I have no shame,but I do have fury!)

Family Guy Volume 1

The Wii (I actually got it in June.:P)


-From Distant relatives-

110 U.S. Dollars

A Gamestop Card (30$)

A Barnes & Noble Gift Card (also 30$

A Rubix cube.

New Banner!

I finally made it!(there's another one in my pictures,but it was too big to upload.:(

And I rwalise there are some flaws with Giratina's render,Sorry About that.:(

Inactive + lvl. 19

Sorry for inactivity,not motivated and sister's goodness forsaken school are to blame.

I may get my first banner up soon.... (Don't Worry RED_NEXUS,I'll save yours. :))

New Sigs

Sorry for the inactivity.:( But here are the atrocities.XD

Metal Sonic

This is sort of a prototype,And I admit I should've resized the image (but I couldn't remember it at the moment.)

Next,Darkrai prototypes,I'm going to add text later....


Darkrai 2

I think #2 is too foggy,though,I didn't know what to do with it.:(

Thank you for your Masochism.:twisted:

Idiotic post...

Sorry for inactivity,but I have a few things,first!

The Ultimate dungeon!

Dodingo's cavern

Dodingo's cavern

Yes,It's so puerile.XD

Next some more sig experiments

This is the original


Here's the modified one,I'll add text later....-_O

Darkrai 2

Last,What do you think are the coolest/Scariest bosses? For me it's Metal Overlord(coolest)and Biolizard.(Scariest) @W@
