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Gizmonk Blog

Good Bye GS

Good Bye GS. I am moving over to Giant Bomb. This is the last post that I will be making on this Site.

If you wish to add me on the other site, look up JokerClown. I'll hapily accept your friends request. :)

Till we meet again,


Been a while

Well, it has been awhile since I have logged onto good ole GS. Ive been pretty busy as of late. I went on a long vacation to New England to see family over there. It was fun and all, but damn was it hot. now 90 is not too bad considering where I am from, but when you add over 80% humidity to the equation, It gets pretty darn unbearable. So thats where I have been for the last while. Now that doesnt explain where I have been for the past several months, so I'll go ahead and say what has been keeping me away. Job hunting, and general boredom. Job hunting sucks. Lets get that straight right now. I must have had 15 interviews, and have not gotten a job yet. Maybe its because Im such a nice guy. Or maybe its because Im too damn young to be taken seriously at any company. The fact of the matter is that I am getting sick of stuck up corporate snobs who think that because Im only 20 years old, Ill accept $11 an hour for doing work that I know I should be getting paid at least $25 an hour for. Whatever. Ill find a job eventually, but untill then, I have a great game to kill the time with, Soul Calibur IV. This game is eating away my free time like a hungry shark. It is hyper addictive, fun, and all around challenging once u take it online. I might write a review for this in a while. Anyways. This is just myself checking in and making a promise that I will soon start making regular contributions to my own spot here on GS. Stay tuned.

- JD

Lack of Activity

This blog is to apologize for the lack of blog and comment activity over the last couple of days. I got modded right after I posted my video blog because someone complained over the *MATURE* content of it. Someone who is according to their GS profile about 13 or 14 years old who lied about their birthdate so that they could view the blog in question, got offended, and reported me. I know. Complete B$ right? But anyways. I digress.

Another reason that I have not been posting or commenting is because of the 2 new games that I purchased. Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, and Bully: Scholarship Edition. O...M...G... Both of these games are amazing. Both of these games will eat my limited amount of free time away instantly. The infinite re-playability of Vegas 2 and the amazing gameplay and story of Bully are more then enough to in a way make me neglect my GS audience and friends (which I apologize for). I might make a Video Review of one of these games when I manage to complete them somewhere down the line, but that might not be for a few weeks.

Anyways, I am very sorry for the lack of commenting on my part on each and every one of your blogs. I will do my best to set at least a small portion of every day to reading and commenting the blogs that you have all worked so hard on thinking about and writing up. Please accept my humblest apology.


Vid Blog 2


My second video blog is up. Including a top 5 list, answers to questions, and a gameing update.

*WARNING* Mature content

Preperation for Video Blog 2

So I have decided that for my second Video Blog, I would answer any and all questions that you guys and gals have. Ask them here, and they will be answered in my next video blog for all to hear. :) Be sure to include your first name if it is not listed on your Gamespot Profile, so that we can keep this personal. I like to know who I am answering questions for.

Another thing that I would like to ask for is input. What do you all think that I should include in my vid blog? Anything is up in the air, and every suggestion will be seriously thought about. Who knows. Your suggestion might even be taking into true consideration and included. :)

Anyways, just looking for some viewer input. Stay cool.


My last hour of Freedom

A tear must be shed today. This is the last hour that I have of freedome before I begin working every single day of the week. With graduation looming ever closer, I need as many hours on my internship as I can get. Then there is the fact that I am going to be moving away durring the summer. Knowing that, I asked my boss at my paying job to work me on the days that I am not interning. That means that Mon. Wed. and Fri. will be intern days, and every other day (including weekends) will be work day. Thankfully this schedule will only last till I complete my internship (110 hours). That means that this schedule should only last about 2 months. Sadly that means that my 360 wont be getting much attention. This is made even more sad because Vegas 2 is just a couple of days away. More tears shed. Well I'm going to spend the rest of my hour enjoying the company of my 360.


I'm done with it (Not GS)

I'm done. I give up. I have made a discovery today. And that discovery is that I will never find anyone to share my heart with. I thought that I had the perfect girl. But I was wrong. She broke my heart. No. She shattered my heart. Then she wanted to be my best friend. Well I got news for that sister. YOU CANT HAVE MY FRIENDSHIP!!! YOU CANT BREAK SOMEONES HEART AND WANT THEM TO STILL TALK TO YOU!!! YOU DONT TELL SOMEONE THAT YOU WANT TO COME BACK, BUT ARE AFRAID TO BECAUSE YOU DONT WANT TO HURT THEM AGAIN!!! EITHER COME BACK OR DONT!!! BUT TELL THE PERSON SO THAT THEY CAN MOVE ON WITH THEIR LIVES!!! DONT HIDE THE FACT THAT YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO LET THEM HOLD YOU AGAIN!!! DONT CONTINUE TO PRESENT THE ILLUSION THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE OK BETWEEN US!!! AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO TELL ME THAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO COME BACK TO ME!!! I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW!!! Sorry. I got a little carried away. If you know what the situation is, then you understand what I am talking about. If you don't, then I apologize for wasting your time.

But I am done searching for someone to share my heart with. No one will EVER give me a chance anymore. The one girl who did give me a chance broke my heart. So I'm done. I know that no one else will give me a chance again. I am a poor pitiful, sorry excuse for a man that no one wants. I'm going to die a virgin and alone. I know this. Thank you Stephannie for destroying my life with your deception. I hope that you can live with yourself.

Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go sit in a corner and figure out what im going to do with my life. Thank you for reading my rant. And I am sorry if I wasted your time.


Redemption (A Short Story by Me)

I decided that I wanted to share a story with everyone. A story that I wrote for an english class a year ago. I hope that you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think. It starts out slow, but really picks up at the end.

So with out further ado, may I present to you,


Morning. Again my head is spinning. Been thinking too much. Oh well. Today is the day; today is the day that I set everything right. I get up and take a shower. The water washes away the dirt and cleanses the mind. I get out, brush my teeth, and get dressed. Its the same thing every day: black slacks, white shirt, and black tie. The cookie cutter office worker. I grab my back and head for the door. Halfway there, I realize that I have forgotten something important. I run back to my room and grab it. How could I have been so stupid? I can't leave home without this. Just holding it in my hand makes me feel better. I put it in my bag, go out the door, close it behind me, and lock it.

I catch the bus about a mile from my house and ride it to the train station. The bus ride is uneventful as always, but the train ride is always difficult. There are vagabonds asleep in the aisles, young mothers with their screaming children, and the seat with the "spot" on the fabric. There is one major difference this time. For the first time in my life, I'm nervous. I think its because today is my quarterly review. Ya. That must be it. 20 painful minutes later, we arive at my station.

I begin to walk. The walk is far from normal. Everyone is looking at me. I make eye contact with at least 50 people in the two block distance from the station to the office.

By the time I reach the office, I'm sweating bullets. Its not even hot outside. Nervousness has that kind of effect on a person. I can't even think straight. My hand is trembling as I reach for the door to the lobby. Now the lobby of my building is the same as any other lobby of any other office building. It has a nice warm feeling about it. I say hi to Susan at the front desk like I do everyday ad she winks back at me. I enter the elevator and push 37. The elevator begins to ascend. As the elevator rises, so does my heart-rate. I begin to count the seconds until the elevator stops to calm me down.

Once the elevator stops, the door opens. I am instantly blinded. White walls, white tile floors, white ceiling, and white fluorescent lighting all combine to create a blinding effect. There are cameras that watch everything you do, even in the bathroom. The is one single picture on the wall. It is a huge painting of the Bosses bust with the caption "A Quiet Workplace is an Effective Workplace." This may seem quaint to some, but it is a threat. In fact, I remember the last time someone lost it and started to scream. The faceless "security" guards that patrol the corridors between the cubicles took him and he was never seen again.

I sit down in my cell (what we call out cubicles from Hell), and get busy. Not being allowed to talk wears thin on a person. The only way that we are allowed to communicate is through memos. This makes the only sound in the office the endless clacking of keys on a keyboard and the loud hum of the printers.

Just when I am about to loose it, a message appears on my monitor saying that the Boss wants to have a word with me. This is the moment that I have been waiting for. The Boss is calling me for my quarterly evaluation. This is my one chance to solve all of my problems. I am to take everything that I brought to work today and go to his office.

I grab my bag and make for the back of the building. His secretary looks up with the same "help me" look that every employee has on their face.I show her my ID badge and she points at a steel folding chair. I sit down. The chair is even colder then I thought it would be.

A few minutes later, the Bosses door opens and the secretary motions for me to go in. I enter his office. He points at the chair in front of his desk and I sit down. He then begins to drill me on the finer points of office etiquette and tells me how I can better myself. I just sit there and try to take in the room that I am sitting in. Like the rest of the building, the room and all of its furnishings are white. The same picture that is in the "cell block" is in his office. The only difference is that there is a small window on the side of the room. A glimmer of hope.

After he is done lecturing me, he tells me to empty the contents of my bag. I oblige him and dump the contents onto his desk: folder, paper, pens, pencils, and a Colt .45. I pick it up and point it directly at Him. He stares at it and begins to plead for his life. His pleas fall flat. I squeeze the trigger. Blood explodes from the back of his head covering the painting behind him. He slumps to the ground face first in a pool of his own blood.

I dip my fingers into the blood and draw images on the white walls of the office. I know that I don't have much time to do this. The gunshot was loud. I know that they are coming. I write the words "suffering will no longer hold me captive."

I then run over to the door to make sure that it is locked. The very second I reach it, the of the "security" guards smash it down. I fall to the ground. I can feel warm blood on my face. My nose must be broken. One of the guards pins me to the ground and punches me several times. The pain is unbearable. They say that when you are in enough pain, you pass out. That is not true. I was awake the whole time. The guard is strong. The pain is overwhelming.

One of the other two guards stands over me with a syringe filled with a clear liquid. I cannot resist as he leans in closer and plunges the needle into my arm. My vision begins to blur instantly. The pain goes away. My heart begins to slow. It becomes hard to breath. I think to myself "If this is what dying is like, it's not so bad." I hope that I have earned a seat in heaven because of my noble deed. I breath my last breath. Goodbye...

The End

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