GoDsSoN770's forum posts
People just don't seem to understand the difficulties with developing not only a launch title, but developing a completely new concept, on a completely new platform, with completely new techology. If you don't give Ubisoft any credit for their effort with Red Steel, you need a reality check.
Nothing more needs to be said. I'll be sure to bump this when trailers and screens start appearing, and watch as all the hater and doubters jump back on board, like they never doubted the game in the first place...
People continue to rip on the 1st game without looking at the facts... Some people don't even know what the heck they are talking about. Like I said, besides the pointer jumping glitch, the game controlled find, espcially for a game that attempted to utilize completely new tech, and was developed in like 9 months.
All the proof you need is in the vids. Watch them, then talk... No the motions weren't 100% accurate, but they darn sure worked well enough.
Watch em.
The controls were not that damm bad.. Pleeeeeaze... Want proof? Watch this... http://youtube.com/watch?v=XNMlTzdd3Y4
Even more. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZYAieZgCsWM I guess these guys have magic wiimotes or something.
The jumping pointer is understandable, and could also be completely fixed by turning off vibration and/or the speaker. The sword fighting could have been more responsive but it worked quite well for the most part. It was a launch title! Nintendo couldn't even nail the motion controls in Wiisports boxing. Many have tried and failed. Ubisoft did quite well for a launch title, and the first Wii FPS at that, and then combining it with first person sword fighting, a very dcent story, and technically some of the best graphics on Wii to date.
The games listed above were GOOD games from Ubisoft as I stated b4. I didn't say Ubisoft did great games for Wii, allthough Red Steel, despite its flaws is seriously underrated.
Rayman,Red Steel, Prince of Persia,Monster 4X4 world circuit,My Word Coach, Driver, the pets games seem to sell well, and they still have the Brothers In Arms FPS game coming which doesn't look too bad. Not to mention Shaun White Snow boarding coming out too.
At least they are supporting the platform, and Red Steel is and will be a pretty damm good exclusive to have.
Ubisoft was one of the first developers to support the Wii. Yes they've released some crap, but they've also released some good games for the Wii. Red Steel for a launch title was a pretty good game, and memorable. 1:1 controls will put this game on a different level. They also don't have any reason to rush the game. Its also gonna be online!
Picture Red Steel with even better graphics, actual cut scenes and cinematics, online multiplayer, Wii-speak (voice chat), Co-op, customizable controls, 1:1 sword swings, and a good story. 9.5 worthy if you ask me...
Thanks to Dr.Tre at IGN.
Pretty exciting just to hear something about the game, cuz the last we'd heard was that it was handed over to another dev team because development wasn't going well.
This suggests that the game might not be released till early 2009 at the earliest, and even that may be a long shot.
I don't know why people were expecting 1:1 controls with the first Red Steel, especially after seeing the game running.
The sequel has a chance to be epic if they nail the controls, make the game look half as good as the first one, add cut scenes, and come up with a good story..
I think this game will be even more hyped than the first game once we see more of it. Only this time it will likely live up to the hype surrounding it. Just think of how good this game could end up being if they put as much time, money, and resources into it as they do with titles like Assassin's Creed, FarCry (360/ps3), ect...
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