I have played the Wii on numerous occasions and I have come to the conclusion that a game like SPM would be just as fun to play with standard controls. Although the potential for some great FPS's are there (MP3) I also remember beating Halo and MP whilehaving a great time doing it with thestandard controller. I just played Forza 2 and not once did I say to myself "You know, this game would be much more fun if I could use the Wiimote!". Nope. Not once.
Bottom line: I just don't see the Wiimote as "innovative". It's just a different way to play games. IMO, I think Nintendo focused too much on new controls rather than the things that make the 360 so good...online, power and great third party. Yes, I understand that power isn't everything but it does allow for some pretty expansive games. If you are the type that thinks power is not needed, don't complain when you can't play Oblivion on the Wii.
I'm not saying the Wii is a bad system. I am saying the Wiimote does not make it great.
Now I'll put my flame shield on.
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