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Zelda/Wii/Marvel-UA Impressions

Well the year is nearly complete, another 365 days past and another plethora of games beaten. Will I ever accomplish my goal of beating every game ever... No thats not really my goal, though I am more and more intrigued by these proffesional gamers I hear of getting paid far too much simply for being good at games....well im good at games. Hmmm, I must look into gaming as a profession more. Well my Wii system impressions are almost all positive. The controller is fun and easy to use, and feels very natural and just so right. I love the channel setup of the Wii for choosing to play a game, surf the internet, look at at the weather etc. Very easy to use. Wait did he just say surf the internet? Yep. I downloaded the trial version of the opera browser and surfing the net with the wiimote it a breeze. Although when you want to type something in a seperate keypad comes up on screen and you have to select letter by letter, so most of my gamespotting will still be done via PC, just for ease of use with the keyboard. The Wii does have USB ports however so im expecting a wireless keyboard add on sometime later in the Wiis life, which would be truly awesome. So the Wii itself is great. easy to use, works fine and does the job, a pretty solid package. Zelda is not too bad not too great. This is something I might get a lot of flak for but im just not that impressed. I don't know maybe im Zelda'd out, or just too stuck on some of the great 360 games ive been playing but meh.. its fun, the gameplay is tight, and its supposedly a very long and rewarding game... it dosen't look much better than Ocarina Of Time though, and sometimes it feels like im playing the same game. Im still not very far in at all maybe 10 hrs or so, so im not giving final judgement yet, some games don't hit their stride to way further in then that. The game plays great though, swinging the wiimote for your sword is awesome, at first I thought oh this is going to cramp my wrist after a while, this is stupid. Well damn all that its immersive is what it is. Nothing sucks you into a game so well than the wiimote use, I am 100% a believer in the new control scheme. In fact after a few hours of playing Zelda I though....why is it that games never controlled like this before? It just feels right. I was wrong about being so negative about the new control scheme, until you play it for yourself you just don't know how right it is.... its perfect and im really excitied to see how further franchise staples like Metroid will incorporate its use. I received Trauma Center: Second Opinion as well but still haven't had a chance to try it out yet, hell I gotta save something for future blogs right? From what I heard though its the other game to have for the Wii, and I always thought the DS game looked fun so I will have a chance to jump into that sometime soon. Recently I plowed through Marvel: Ultimate Alliance on the 360 and was throughly impressed by both the quality of the storyline and the fresh, fun action the game throws at you. It is an action RPG in every sense of the word, leveling up fighting waves of enemys until you reach some of the great boss battles. The game introduces context sensitive actions as well, a la God Of War, mostly during some of the bigger boss fights (Galactus springs to mind..) you know press X, quick now hit B! That kind of thing. It dosen't use it often mind you, but enough to throw you for a loop and keep things fresh. I highly reccomend this game, especially for bigger Marvel nerds like myself. Having Spiderman, Wolverine, Ironman and Daredevil as my super hero team was a thrilling experience (and some of their interactions are downright hilarious) Overall I would say 8.5/10

So I got a Wii for Xmas.... 0_0!!

In a huge surprise shocker of a gift my brother got me a Wii, Zelda: Twilight Princess and Trauma Center: Second Opinion for xmas this year! I feel like a kid again lol. We've been trying out Wii sports and Zelda all morning, and man as much as I ragged on this system and the wiimote it is awesome. The remote is natural and easy to use, and while wii sports has simplistic charm, from the hour or so I got into Zelda I can tell it is going to be a hardcore experience. The graphics are decent but noticably not as advanced as my 360, but its an incredably fun system to play. Besides I gots it for free! lol. Good xmas all around this year, just wanted to give a shout out to everyone, say merry xmas and Dvader this Zelda game owns my soul.

F.E.A.R Is The Best FPS ever.

That's right EVER. Move over Half life 2 you are now a close second. The incredibly fun and visceral action of this game is unlike anything ive ever played before, there is probably nothing more awesome than blowing somebody in half with a shotgun in slow-mo, or watching them explode from a grenade in slo-mo. Its strangly addicting, this is the perfect level of violence I wanted in an action game for a long time. And man is it tough too... im on the normal difficulty and let's just say its not a walk in the park. The A.I is fantastic and fearsome really. You really get a sense of dread at times because you never know what these guys can do, smart use of cover, throwing grenades at you.. harsh. The story is excellent with some nice unexpected twists, and all the horror spots are well done and intense, although I found there to be a bit too many of them, they certainly put you on edge. Did I mention the only way to play this game is at night with the lights off and the volume turned to max? Atmospheric, fresh, awesome graphics and amazing action. This game outclasses Gear Of War in my opinion in a lot of regards.. while Gears is a fun romp so far (co-op over live is the only way to play) FEAR is just something altogether different.. and I don't know less cartoony than GoW. The Multiplayer is fast and furious in FEAR online too. You can die quite quickly and its very fast paced. Unfortunatley im still trying to figure out how I acess my router so I can port forward as my NAT is stuck on moderate which means constant disconnections from live and not being able to play most games online. Stupid having a router that isn't compatible with live. Alas im off to figure out this port forwarding thing as many people swear by it. On one last note I started flirting with a little Oblivion as well and it too rocks my socks.. I jumped right into the Knights Of The Nine expansion I downloaded, so ill have more impressions for you later.

GME goes next gen

Well I went ahead with it. I traded all my games minus Halo and Halo2 for a 360 premium. So with my trade in value I paid exactly $50 for a 360 premium and 5 games. Yep. Included free with the 360 itself was GRAW, Gears Of War and Xbox live arcade unplugged vol 1(score!) then I went ahead and bought Dead Rising, Oblivion, Gun and Smackdown Vs Raw2007. I know you're thinking GME why??! Well I already beat all my games and had most of them for years. Rather than collect dust and rot I figured id get a jumpstart on this new gen and get neck deep in my all time favorite system-- the 360. This thing is pure awesome in a box, as im sure most of you already know. Thats one reason, and the other is I just don't have the time to spend playing too many systems and games anymore. Between actually spending time with girls (teh gasp!) work and such, playtime is a luxury. Between my 360 and an upcoming gaming PC im trying to score I will have all the gaming I need for years. Considering there are dozens more 360 and PC games I want. (curse you Neverwinter Nights 2 you will be mine!) So with the explanations out of the way, what the hell am I playing? Why Gears Of War of course! This thing is certainly GOTY, as I suspected the complete package. Im almost finished act 3 right now and it definetly is the RE4 of this year and deserves its many accolades. Also im playing smackdown vs raw 2007 which is a decent upgrade from last years version, and im having a hella fun time playing it over live. Wait GME is on xbox live now? YES. Although I have very friends and a pathetic gamerscore (hey I just got my system a few days ago!) im on live, so add me! GodModeEnabled1. Other than all this not too much is new with me. Im on the verge of getting a girlfriend so I may have even less playtime soon *sigh* oh yeah and work work work. Stupid holiday season. So yeah add me to your friends so we can play live, and if im on the boards less its because im gaming! woot!

Wait.. Gears Of War.. For Free?

Yep, so my local EB got a nice stock of premium 360s in, and they are launching a "trade in your old xbox towards a 360- get Gears Of War free" sale thingy. After much hmming and haaing I have decided to head down after work tommorow and trade in my whole collection of Xbox and PS2 games and start the new generation! I figure I can pick up the premium 360 for a damn steal this way. I know it seems harsh, but really im never going to play any of these games again I realized. And godamn it everytime I see that copy of Scarface I paid so much for I feel like going Tony Montana on the game makers ass for making such a crap game. But if I get into that now the next three paragraphs will be me telling you how much it sucks. See its too late im seething again *rages* *Takes deep breathe* So out with the old in with the new! Im gonna pick up 2-3 other games sides getting Gears for free and man there are so many good ones I don't know what the heck to get. Rainbow Six Vegas, Call Of Duty 3, Fear, Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007, Dead Rising, Saints Row, Oblivion...*sigh* oh well ill start my 360 collection and keep that. Between the 360 and a sweet gaming PC im buying myself for xmas (happy holidays me) ill have all the gaming goodness I need for a while. Also on a random unrelated note Fire Emblem is a whore of a game and the last mission is impossible. One of the few games I will never be able to beat (unless I start over from the begining again)

The Return Of The King!!

Greetings friends, foes and fellow countrymen! It has been a long three internetless months, and it seems I missed out on a bit around here. The PS3 comes out today I believe and its games apparently suck. Did anyone think Genji was going to be good in the first place? But alas, im going the path of 360, next weeks pay I can finally grab mine, in time for the apparently super awesome Gears Of War. So im halfway across the country now, in a new jopb and new place. Haven't dopne a lot of gaming these last few months. I replayed Ninja Gaiden Black, Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time, GTA San Andreas (and beat it!) bought Scarface and well im like halfway through it and its not that good. Oh and I just started playing Fire Emblem for the GBA and wow I can't believe I missed out on this series until recently, I am officially a fan, and must undertake the quest of hunting down further games in the series. Arggh I have so many reviews to read and catching up to do with the homies here. I wonder if Dvader got his PS3..hmm. Well im off to do some posting good to be back, ill see you on the boards.

Screw You Vercetti! + Legal Topless Women?!

Warning: Rant Mode Engaged, Set Phasers To Sarcastic Neuroticism Its over Tommy. Thats right you blocky, polygonal, constant pain in my ass. After 3 godamn years your story has been laid to rest--forever. After retrying the final mission 180 some times, I came so close to destroying it, its scary. The combat in this game sucks worse than a teething toddler, other than that its an ok game though. When the ending rolled, I immediatley lit a smoke, fell back into my chair from the edge of my seat, and allowed breath to return to my war torn body- spent by swearing at that italian hack for hours. And then I get treated to roughly 3.4 seconds of an "ending" which was the equivalent good feeling of your girlfriend leaving "halfway through" if you know what I mean. So like a young girl on her prom night, I was still excited and somewhat mystified by the blood and violence, yet it was over way too quick. I know what you're thinking- GodMode teh sexual references- it burnz mah virgin eyes! Don't worry im done now.... OR AM I. Recently I have learned that in the particular part of Alberta I am moving to, it is legal for women to be topless, sansbra hahaha this gets better and better everyday. Now I really will be staring at girls chests when I talk to them. No offense to any ladies, because I am a huge fan of the female form- it is very artistic and beautifull overall.... well for most girls. Moving on the old folks finally got the apartment paid for and are starting to get it set up out there. Airline tickets are confirmed and im flying out the first of august now. Great, like ive ever been on a plane before. Im so godamn nervous ive been having dreams about airplane crashes and burning to death. It could be worse though I guess. Last but not leastly (thats right leastly) is Neuroticism a real word? Now that my rant mode has died down I looked at it quizically and decided to ask you. No im not going to, im not a complete nerd. *goes to* Edit- Also I have decided to add one of my favorite albums, and quotes from said album as my blog header for now. I will be changing it weekly once I get back to keep people on their toes, so you get to see some of my favorite albums and quotes. It was a tough choice picking these guys over the likes of Motorhead and Ozzy but they will have their day here too.

GTA Flight Plan: Now Serving Maxwell House.. No Porn..WTF?!?

Ah that cup of morning coffee. Truly a liquid to soothe the belly of the beast. Maybe its not so much the caffeine im addicted to, but that damn morning coffee smell. Ok so its the caffeine, sue me. There are worse vices to have you know! *cough*videogames*cough* lol. Ah there is nothing better than waking up to that first cup of Maxwell House in the morning. Well ok theres waking up to a bottle of Smirinoff and a half a dozen naked ladies in your bed, but those days are behind me folks! After partying the better part of 10 years of my life away I had to move on to less exciting pastures. No, no don't worry your sisters ok, she says hi. Well my question I pose to you today diligent blog readers, the l33t of the l33t is: Has anyone here every beaten a GTA game?! Is it just me who finds some the later missions ridiculously annoying and frustrating? I have been playing Vice City, now and then, since the godamn thing came out and I still can't figure out how to beat it. Some of these asset missions were designed by a retarded monkey, I swear. But no worrys im faithfully swearing my way through it inch by inch so I can have the pleasure of saying I beat at least one of these games. Some day Mr.Vercetti, some day. Well im pretty much just killing time until next week when the plane tickets drop significantly in price and I fly out to my new home on the other end of Canada. Finally I can start my new job and reach a new level of gaming geekdom. But you won't see me around here for a few months, thats right no computer. No acess to the world wide web, to gamespot, my favorite por..*cough* um news sites and such. But not to worry as first on my list to purchase is a gaming PC and an internet connection. So after this weekend you won't see me again until sometime in November, but ill be back! Until then ill leave UpinFlames in charge of fragging n00bs online.

This Years Releases To Pick Up...

Well I figured id use this as a reminder of all the games I need to get this year or as soon as possible, since there are so many awesome titles coming out its hard to keep track of them all. Consider this more of my holiday shopping list than an actual blog lol. I know im teh cheater! teh hax! PS2: ------- Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerebus-aug15th Disgaea 2- aug 29th Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra- aug 29th Yakuza-sept 1st Scarface- sept 26th Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria- sept 26th Mortal Kombat Armageddon- oct 2nd Rouge Galaxy- oct 3rd Shim Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner- oct10th Lumines Plus- oct 16th Phantasy Star Universe- oct 24th Final Fantasy XII- oct 31st Guitar Hero 2- nov 1st Marvel Ultimate Alliance- nov 1st Capcom Classics 2- nov 14th Bully- dec 1st God Of War 2- feb 1st- 2007 Dawn Of Mana- March 30th- 2007 PS3: ------ Lair- launch Resistance: Fall Of Man- launch Warhawk- launch PSP: ------- Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth- July 18th Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core- aug 1st Loco Roco- sept 5th Ultimate Ghosts N Goblins- sept 5th Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy- sept 12th Dungeon Siege: Throne Of Agony- Oct 2nd Powerstone Collection: Oct 3rd Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories- oct 16th Lumines 2: Oct 16th Capcom Classic Collection Reloaded- oct 24th Killzone Liberation- oct 31st Metal Slug Anthology- Nov 1st Tenchu Time Of The Assassins(NEW TENCHU GAME WOO!)- nov 1st Gangs Of London- nov 15th Xbox 360: ------------- Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2- july 5th Prey- july 10th Chromehounds- july11th Timeshift- aug 1st Dead Rising- aug 8th Nintey Nine Nights- aug 16th Enchanted Arms- aug29th Saints Row- aug 29th Blue Dragon- sept 1st The Godfather- sept 12th Splinter Cell: Double Agent- sept 26th Gears Of War- oct 2nd Brothers In Arms: Hells Highway- nov 1st Call Of Suty 3- nov 1st Dead Or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball 2- nov 1st Need For Speed: Carbon- nov 1st Too Human- nov 1st WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2007- nov 1st Stranglehold- nov 6th Rainbow Six: Vegas- nov7th Xbox 360 next year: --------------------------- Alan Wake- jan 1st- 2007 Alone In The Dark jan 1st- 2007 Armored Core 4- jan 1st- 2007 Bioshock- jan 1st- 2007 Golden Axe- jan 1st- 2007 Huxley- jan 1st- 2007 Indiana Jones jan 1st- 2007 Mobile Ops: The One Year War- jan 1st- 2007 Shadowrun- jan 1st- 2007 Turok- jan 1st- 2007 Medal Of Honor: Airbone- jan 2nd- 2007 Lost Planet- jan 16th- 2007 Crackdown- feb 1st- 2007 The Darkness- feb 1st- 2007 Army Of Two- feb 5th- 2007 F.E.A.R- march 1st 2007 Mass Effect- april 2nd- 2007 Lost Odyssey- may 1st- 2007 Spiderman 3- may 1st- 2007 Dark Sector- Nov 1st- 2007 GTA 4- oct16th- 2007 Xbox ------- CRAP ALL THANK YOU MICROSOFT. Nintendo DS ------------------ Deep Labyrinth- aug 15th Starfox Command- aug 28th Final Fantasy III- oct 3rd Children Of Mana- oct 30th Thats So Raven Physic On The Scene..WTF IS THIS POS?! NO. lol. The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass- nov 1st Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin- nov 21st Phoneix Wright: Justice For all- jan 2nd 2007 Nintendo WIi ------------------ Metroid Prime 3: Corruption- launch The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess- launch Red Steel- launch GOOD FREAKIN GOD MY BANK ACCOUNT IS PWNED.

What I want from a next gen FPS..

What I want from next gen FPS: ------------------------------------------ Fully realized, destructible environments that utilize a HDD to remember every bullet hole, spray of blood and destroyed object. I want bodys to stay in the exact death poses I blasted them into and never disappear. I want varied level design and lots of them. I want lots of weapon variety, not just guns either- give me swords, baseball bats and throwing knives I want incredable A.I even on default difficulty settings that can own me, not charge mindless towards me when im on a turret mounted machine gun, or not run away when I toss a grenade at their feet. NO MORE SCI FI FPS. I want FULLY realized hit detection and blood and gore effects. I want to blow peoples kneecaps out and then throw a knife in their eye, while their clutching their impaled eyeball screaming "OMG you shot my leg off and threw in a knife in my eye!" id shoot his other leg off. Fun and fun! Oh and let the enemies be able to do the same to you, and when you die horribly pan out to third person view to get a look at the viscera- in slow motion of course. I want a damn story that matters. Like Half Life 2 only less SCI FI. I want unlockables, like new weapons, hidden endings etc. CO-OP play through the main game, also make it different from single player play and make it matter. Teamwork, etc. Added factors into the story and whatnot. Online play featuring over 100 people at once. PCs can do it, so can you technically inferior consoles! Now less technically inferior this gen.. I swear to anyone reading this that this would be the best FPS ever.