LETS SHRINK LAIR TO THAT LITTLE 1INCH BY 1INCH maps with nothing going on on screen like gears of war and drop it to 720p mode
lair would look like advent childeren!!!
You are not a gamer... you are a Sony Zombie. Gears is a PROVEN GREAT GAME. Lair only has hype, and some decent looks with a shaky frame rate right now. Gears was the same way as LAIR, good graphics with a shaky frame rate. But Gears fixed the frame rate, and offered sweet game play. Lair still has to prove their is substance behind the looks. Until then keep your closed minded statements to yourself.
Before, i thought Too Human looked like crap. After that video i saw on IGN and the new info on it, Too Human will be a great game. It looks like a DMC with roleplaying elements and a futuristic GOW theme. The controls seem like theyre gonna be fun (analog control!)
Who agrees on this?
I hope they pull it off. It does look good. I just am really hoping that all the elements come together. Watching the video actually got me excited to play the game, and that hasn't happened for a long time.
[QUOTE="MCGSMB"]Personally, I think that Lair looks like crap and probably plays like it too.GermanShepard06
thats because u learned from MS that graphics are all about textures and got nothing to do with animation, physics, geometry, etc....
You would need at least four x360's working in sli mode to pull off the calculations that are happaning in Lair during gameplay.
Do you know what you are talking about ? Because it sounds like you are pulling stuff out of your @ss. Can you please explain to me some of these "calculations."
There is no game out right now, or in the near future that looks as good as this.
Who cares? What matters is how it plays; lets get that straight.
I think the new definition of "t3h kiddie!" should be something along the lines of "people who buy games simply to admire the graphics rather than the gameplay which makes it a game in the first place"
So threads like this should be labeled as such.
The world needs more people like you. Excellent post.
I think when beta comes out fans will be presently surprised, and haters will be owned. Even if it doesn't look any better I will still buy the game. Gameplay >>>>>>>Graphics.
Killzone developer = Average - sub-average developer with average - sub-average games
Liar developer = Highly talentead devloper who produces brilliant games that push the platform they appear on to the limit showing what it is truly capable of.
well they have new men on their ship now so who knows
I guess I'm one of the few not that that impressed. Could be the quality of the video's or the blandness of the settings. At this point it looks like Dynasty Warriors on the back of a dragon.
[QUOTE="swaginator"]You have too ask yourself one question though. Is the game worth purchasing more content for? In GeoW's case i have to say yes. I have played Gears of War since launch, almost 6 monthes ago. Almost everyday as well. And i'd say i've gotten every penny of my 60 bucks worth out of it. Now i don't mind one little bit spending more money on some new maps for it. Especially if it's a good value. 8 maps sounds like a good value too me as well. Now i can understand someones frustration, but you have too understand that in todays world publishers (like sony, microsoft, and nintendo) are loosing so much by just selling there console too YOU (the consumer). That they have to charge extra for somethings. The video game industry isn't a charity.swaginator
By sponsors they can still get some money back. I dont care for ads and commercials when I get free stuff. And we are paying for live subscription, isnt that enough?
But the point is Epic wants to give this stuff for free. But M$ doesnt want that even though Epic is the one who made these stuff.
So Mark Rein says. I don't know if you've seen some of the things he says. But Mark Rein is a complete ass. Epic should really shut him up.
I completely agree. Even though Cliffy B is kinda cocky, they should make him company spokesman. Cliffy has his finger on the pulse of the gamers heart. Mark Rein is like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest when he talks.
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