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Goliath_unit Blog

Sorry I haven't been on

My internet was down. It wouldn't go into the internet. Stupid AOL. But it's fine now. Here are some things that happened to me these past few days:

Best Part: A girl called me her hero!!! :D

Other good things: Stuff

What I did at home: I did three things: play Madden NFL 06, Eat, and sleep. I said, screw homework.

Stuff at school: was late for the 35th time in music, 20th for french, our Geography teacher got pissed off at us two days ago because all but a few did their homework. I also made a bunch of new friends.

There we go! 

You know what the saddest thing would be to me?

If a friend at school would die. I'd cry, especially if it was a girl that was a friend. Why the hell am I writing this blog post? There's no point to it!!! Well, I wanted to write a new blog post, so I just wrote any crap I could think of.

Also, I got a new emblem:

Awarded for tuning into our live broadcast of GameSpot After Hours on the eve of October 14, 2006. Thanks for joining the party!

Now, the funny thing is, that I only clicked on Live, and I got the emblem. I didn't watch anything! Cool, hun?

Well, GO CHARGERS (they'll kill them 49ers tomorrow), and GO MAPLE LEAFS (they're beating the Flames 4-3)

And, oh yeah, the Montreal Canadiens suck!LOL Juanfraino :P/JK!!!!

Fight on school bus.

There was a fight on our school bus going home today.

This is how it all began:

Someone starts to scribble on other guys face with a highlighter (supplied by me).

Other person gets pissed off, tries to hold him back. They push and shove each other, until the guy who has his face scribbled on punches the other guy in the face.

Then I knew that there would be a fight. You do that to that guy (guy who was scribbling on the other one's face) you'd get killed. Then they start fighting each other. One of the people gets shoved and then he is laying down (person who had the highlighted face) and he started getting punched in the face. Then he starts to do the same, then one of the girls starts to hit highlighted face's head, then the bus driver pulls over.

A day off from school!

Tomorrow, I don't have school! Tomorrow, in Canada, is Thanksgiving! I thank the dude the person who made this holiday!

Happy Tanksgiving all of you Canadians out there!

Go Maple Leafs, and Chargers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to make videos!

But I can't! I don't have a webcam (I think). I don't know any other way to make videos. I'd like to make videos of me playing some of my games to show my skills at some of my games and show some of my games to other people, and do a few speed runs.

I don't feel like buying a webcam, because their probably expensive, and my wallet is depleted now, but I do have over $700 in my bank account, and my parents might find it a waste of money.

Top 10 best games of all time

This is my list. This list includes games I haven't played before, but are too good to leave out:

10. Final Fantasy VII (PS) (was recently SimCity)
9. Pac-Man (Many)
8. Goldeneye 007 (N64)
7. Super Mario Bros. (NES)
6. Half-Life (PC)
5. Starcaft (PC)
4. Contra (NES)
3. Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of time (N64)
2. Tetris (many, but preferably GB)
1. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

This is my list. What do you think about it?

Also, I've started to play my Nintendo 64 a lot more lately. I've mostly played Mario Party 3, and am getting the urge to get some more N64 games from the EB Games in Orangeville (20 minutes away from me). I am tempted to get Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 (I really like Mario now, he's my favourite in Mario Party 3).

Honourable  Mentions: Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear Solid, Halo, Quake, Doom, SimCity, Perfect Dark, Civilization II, Pirates,

I'm being suspended from school

When I was walking in the hallways, a friend and I decided to beat up a guy. We definetitely had him, but just as I delivered the final blow to the chest, which broke one of his bones, a teacher saw me, then I got sent down to the VP, then I was suspended. I'm gone from school for all of next week.

Anyways, I was moderated yesterday for something I did a long time ago. I used *bump*. I really hate that. I never knew that using that is a violation. I never read anything about that, and yet, they screw my profile and moderate it. How does deleting a post and moderating do to help Gamespot a better place when it is just *bump* and the topic isn't even in use anymore. What's the point?

And what happens. They lower my score? Jeez, I don't care about my level anymore, and I was at 99% percent yesterday. Big deal!

Anyways, I'm level 11 now, so I don't care. I'm an Atomic Punk, though I am really no punk, just a gangsta' in the makin'!!

So, I'll be gone from school for a few days. My friends all laughed at me when they heard that, but because of that, I'll spend more time on Gamespot.

Good day to y'all

I have to clear one more thing:

I wasn't suspended, I am just kidding! :D

Weird thing at school today!

Well, today before period one classes started, something very strange happened. The niners (grade 9's) were just talking (yelling) in the hallway, minding our own business, when we suddenly hear a lot more noise, and we say, over 200 people of all grade levels (mostly 11's and 12's) just smash into our area. Then there was a lot of shoving and I was both a victim of being shoved, and being a shover, mostly a shover. There were also a lot pshcho people doing stuff there, and I also say the coach of the junior football team grab a student by the neck. Then everyone started making a circle, and some started filming something with their cell phones. Then the teachers moved in and moved EVERYONE, us niners included out of the way. It was a very random thing.

Apparently, during English class which happended next, our teacher was handing out bullying pamphlets (I hate these bully awareness things) and mentioning something about a fight going on there, and someone said that it was indeed a cat fight.

It indeed was pretty weird, and it was actually pretty cool :P

The shared boards aren't my place to be

I'm staying off the game boards for now on. I've ran into far too many problems with members from Gamefaqs insauling Gamespot members and bragging about how smart they are :evil:. I'm serious, I just hate the shared boards now! When they make fun of someone who is a member of Gamespot, I can't help but come to the defence, that's just me! So, I will now be in the union boards and some other boards. That is where to find me.