Goliath_unit Blog
New Game in my collection.
by Goliath_unit on Comments
Today, I got one game I've been hyped about getting for a few weeks. Now, I finally have it. I have The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in my collection.
I've wanted to get this game for a while. That's why I'm so glad to have it. When I bought it at EB Games, and was holding the game, I was very excited. I was so glad to finally have it. I just played it for about 1 and a 1/2 hours, and I was having a lot of fun. This game is just amazing. In a few days, this may be my new favourite game taking over Starcraft's part in my mind. Anyways, that is all I have to say for now.
Two new reviews out
by Goliath_unit on Comments
I haven't written a review in a long time, so I decided to write two. These games were favourites as a kid, and are among the greatest games ever.
Okay, so they're the same review, but I did both so I could cover more ground when writing my reviews. I just need to tell you: I wrote these reviews based on what they were like during the time in society, and me when they were out and first played. This is not what I think now.
Next, I'm going to make my Gold and Silver reviews, but not yet.
Playstation 3 Launch, with the Wii's launch, only in two days!
by Goliath_unit on Comments
Today, November 17th 2006, Sony's Playstation 3 made its launch right here in North America. Many excited people hoping to own the Playstation 3 lined up days before it would be launched, despite the $600.00 tag on the PS3.
So some non-gamers often ask: What is the big deal? It is only a game? (actually, if you haven't noticed, it is a game console. a little difference there). Well, there are many reasons that this could be answered. For one, there was such a limited amount, that if you didn't get in line early, there is a large chance that you wouldn't get one. A lot of stores, barely owned a dozen units. That could be one explanation. Another that might be the answer, is the State of the Art graphics. But that is only a small one. It is the next big console by Sony, and there is no doubt that they will be extremely happy owning one, being of of the first ones to get one.
So, the time came: the time BestBuy, Future Shop etc. opened. They were told to be patient in owning one, but in parts of the United States of America, there was unrest. In Denver, there was a stamped of people hoping to own a PS3. And in Connecticut, two gunman at one store told hopeful buyers to hand over belongings. One hopeful buyer, who refused, was shot. But in Canada, there were no problems. People lined up patiently in places like Toronto and Kitchener/Waterloo stores to get ones, so they would get theirs and hopefully give others a chance. Now as today, those excited people who hoped to get one, take out their Playstation 3's, and play on them, or do whatever, are for one thing: extremely happy to own the PS3. However, there are also many, who waited in line overnight, who didn't get theirs, and are disappointed, and hope to get one later.
Sony also has a competition: Nintendo's new console, the Wii, which makes its debut on Sunday, November 19th. No doubt there are many people ever excited to see this launch, and hope great success. Many Sony and Microsoft fanboys hope to see the Wii flunk, and have argued why. Me? Well, unlike those fanboys, I hope the Wii to see great success.
The Wii introduces a new revolution in gaming: the Wii Remote control. Instead of the traditional game controller, in using the remote, you almost literally control the movements. For example, instead of pressing a button, if you want to make Link swing his sword in the Twilight Princess, you actually swing the remote like a sword. If you play tennis, you swing the remote like a tennis racket etc. There is no doubt that the Wii will have great success.
Well, as the newest systems do their launch, we have to answer: which one to get, not to forget about Microsoft's XBOX 360, which was releases last Christmas season. For fanboys, the choice is easy. But for non-fanboys like myself, the choice is indeed: difficult.
San Diego Chargers 49- Cincinatti Bengals 41
by Goliath_unit on Comments
Today, I was glued to my chair (er....bed) watching football. Actually, I had the Bills/Colts game on. But my eyes were layed to the bottom of the screen. I was always awaiting the score of the San Diego Chargers/Cincinatti Bengals game. Sure, I look at the bottom a lot, but this was for, reasons at school.
Last year, we had a football project, a scrapbook. I got the Chargers, and in November, during the monthly class seating changeup, I took seat in front of the bragger of the class: I shall not mention his name.
He got the Bengals, and he loved to rant about his Bengals were better than my San Diego Chargers. He also said about how if the two teams met, the Bengals would own them, and how Chad Johnson would own LaDanian Tomlinson. Anyway, the only time I got respect from him was when the Chargers beat the Colts (on the day of my B-day party, how memorable that was) to end the Colts bid for a 16-0 season (the Colts were 13-0 at that point).
Well, so came today, and how excited I was. I was already preparing my bragging speech to him on Monday (he is in my English and Geography classes). But when I saw that the score was 21-0 for the Bengals in the first quarter, I thought I'd just shut up tommorow. By halftime, it didn't look much better, as it was 28-7.
But then something changed in the second half. The Bengals rejuvinated their 2003 season (they went 2-14) when they let the Chargers come back. I was extremely excited when I saw that the score at the beginning of the forth quarter was a mere 38-35 for the Bengals. And then the Chargers scored a TD for a 42-38 lead. Then Shayne Graham scored a field goal for the Bengals to make it 42-41. How tense that was. Then, the Chargers scored another TD to make it 49-41!!! Then the Bengals pulled a tense last minute drive, that ended with a turnover on downs with seconds left. Then the clock ran out, and the Chargers managed to win 49-41:D.
How excited I am for tomorrow.......................
Mid-term report cards coming home soon.
by Goliath_unit on Comments
At my school, my mid-term report cards are going home on Tuesday. I hope I do well. I probably won't get above 80% but thats okay since its a new setting in High School. Here are the predicted marks I'm going to get:
English: 76%
Music: 67%
French: 76%
Geography 72%
I've done better before (got an 81% average on my term 3 in Grade 7).
Also, I tried to test the spoiler feature, but it didn't work. How do I work it out?
Gamespot Union Awards
by Goliath_unit on Comments
I'm not sure when the results came in, but I just read it. Only one union I know of won something, and that was the Reviewer's Legion's Monthly Issue #1 magazine! I believe I voted for that, and it was indeed very good. I am proud of the Reviewer's Legion for this awards. Kudos to them.
Also, just a few hours, there was chaos around Gamespot. The Technical Support/Welcome Newies threads were getting packed with the biggest glitch I've experienced in my Gamespot career. Many glitches occured in Gamespot:
- For one, when you tried to look at your PM box, it would go to a screen that said stuff and you couldn't view it.
- You also couldn't change your prefs for stuff, which also caused problems for you.
- Also, you couldn't post in the latest gaming news.
- You couldn't view videos
- You couldn't edit your messages
- Also, when you posted a message, it would go to a blank white screen, and just stay there. Nothing would happen. Because of this, there were many triple postings going on, causing annoying problems.
But now the problems are fixed, and Gamespot is free of one of the largest glitches in recent history.............. for now.
It took a long time to get.
by Goliath_unit on Comments
But I have finally earned one of the harder emblems to get on Gamespot: The Tagger King Emblem:
Tagger King
Awarded to those who've exhaustively used with the tagging system, enabling themselves and others to make it a whole lot easier to find certain content.
Yay, I finally got this emblem, now, I will make no more tagos :P. What's the point if I don't get another emblem if I make a lot of tags?Also, today I rented NCAA Football 07. I played it a few hours ago (my mom kicked me off the T.V. :evil: ). It was one of the greatest games I've played in a long time!!! It's probably better than my Madden NFL 06 :o.
Fifty Reviews and Blog Posts
by Goliath_unit on Comments
I have now written fifty video game reviews. The reason why I like to write reviews is because I enjoy expressing my opinion on video games, and to help people if they want to get a game or not. Though I did copy and paste some for games of multiple platforms (even though I didn't play some of those platforms :lol: ) I want to show people what I think. Now I am forty-nine reviews from 100! Wish me luck guys!!! (I actually got to 51 after writing my reviews for ROTK).
This is also my fiftieth blog post!!!! Two half century marks in a 30 minute peroid!!! :D
Other than that, life has gone the way it usually does, in the form of school, homework (that I hardly do until the last minute). Whoops, I have two English stuff do tomorrow :o, and I haven't even started and its 10:00. Meh............................................
Top three favourite movies
by Goliath_unit on Comments
Here are my top three favourite movies, from third place to first place
3. Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
The Star Wars Series was great, but when I watched the third one, I was amazed. There was a huge storyline in it, and tons of action. There were battles on Kashyyyk (not sure if that's how its spelled) Coruscant, space, and five lightsaber duels to top it off. That's why it made my list.
2. Aliens (1986)
Now this movie way not be known to some, but I found it one of the best movies I have ever watched. I mean, how much times I watched a video, until the point that it nearly burns out? There is an amazing amount of action not only in Aliens, but the Alien series itself. And that's not all, Aliens also owes a great storyline, and suspence to it that make it thrilling to watch.
1. Remember the Titans (1989)
I love sports moves. Remember the Titans, comes out on top. There is a lot of drama and other great things that make a great movie. Plus, its on Football, to make it even better. It opens up a great part in history, that establishes it as a great movie with plenty of things that make it an awesome movie to watch. I never have ever watched a movies for a huge amount of days straight, and even twice a day.
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