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Goliath_unit Blog

My pre-exhibition NFL Season Predictions!

I know what you might say: there is still a month 'till the NFL season begins! There is still the pre-season to go.

I know that. This is my analysis before the NFL pre-season begins. It may change depending on how the pre-season goes. Well, enough chat, here are my predictions:

(Note: I am using the team schedules. I am certain to make some errors, and cannot memorize everyones games off by heart. So, the wins-losses probably won't add up properly)

AFC East
New England Patriots 15-1
New York Jets 9-7
Buffalo Bills 7-9
Miami Dolphins 6-10

AFC North
Baltimore Ravens 11-5
Cincinatti Bengals 11-6
Pittsburgh Steelers 8-8
Cleveland Browns 4-12

AFC South

Indianapolis Colts 12-4
Tennessee Titans 8-8
Jacksonville Jaguars 7-9
Houston Texans 5-11

AFC West

San Diego Chargers 13-3
Denver Broncos 10-6
Kansas City Chiefs 9-7
Oakland Raiders 3-13

NFC East

Philadelphia Eagles 12-4
Dallas Cowboys 9-7
Washington Redskins 6-10
New York Giants 5-11

NFC North

Chicago Bears 10-6
Green Bay Packers 9-7
Minnesota Vikings 6-10
Detroit Lions 4-12

NFC South

New Orleans Saints 11-5
Carolina Panthers 10-6
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 6-10
Atlanta Falcons 6-10 (worse if Michael Vick is found guilty and sentenced)

NFC West

San Francisco 49ers 10-6
Seattle Seahawks 9-7
St. Louis Rams 8-8
Arizona Cardinals 7-9

I will not do playoff predictions this time around. Probably next time.

Psyched about Resident Evil

Since buying Resident Evil 4 (probably my favourite game as of now) and Resident Evil Code: Veronica X (which I am sucking at so far), I all of the sudden feel so hyped up about Resident Evil.

This is also becoming apparent in my profile, with my zombie avaitar and Leon showing up as one of the characters in my banner. I'd love a UNIQUE Resident Evil pic above my blog, but I am, like always, too lazy to make it.

When I thought of Resident Evil, I thought of dark horror, and thought I would bet the daylights scared out of me if I played it (I got scared much easier back then) and had no interest. Now after playing them, I feel like a die hard fan of Resident Evil. As of now, I am only scared of those Iron Madens (but I have an easy time with them now). I want every Resident Evil game now, from 1, 2, 3, 0 as well as some of the spinoffs and Resident Evil 5, though I don't have any of the next-gen systems to play it on. But 2 is my most wanted as of now, as it seems like a very interesting and pretty scary game, with its zombies in the city streets as well as those scary lickers and such, as well as playing as Leon and Clair, the two protagonists from my two games. I just hate the older camera angles, which are fixed and harder to control, as well as the inventory and of course, the graphics.

Thank God Resident Evil 5 has all of those (I'm unsure if they are zombies or Ganado-like monsters. I looked on Wikipedia and read that they are sililarities and differences from both of them). The African setting is also very nice, with the sun shining on the desert sand. I also heard that it is also very realistic, as Chris Redfield (the game's protagoinist) get get migrains and dissilussions if he is in the desert sun too long, and his eyes adjust with the setting. Know how when you come inside after being outside for a long time, its seems so dark for a bit? That's what I mean. I'm completely hyped of a game that isn't on any system I have and date of release is unpredictable. I just hate the controversy that is coming with the game, which I won't talk about, and would appreciate if you didn't talk about it either. But I like the idea of the new, black zombies. They add a new step in the game, instead of just a bunch of white (or red, if you know what I'm talking about) zombies, and it goes with the setting. I don't know much about the storyline, either than the virus spreading in Africa, and Chris Redfield going there to investigate.

Overall, I am falling in love with the Resdient Evil series (not literally, mind you). What do you guys think about this epic gaming series?

Blog Update

I haven't made a blog post in a while, so I might as well make one now.

Just several days ago, I bought Resident Evil: Code Veronica X for the PS2. It is a great game, except for the annoying camera angles, which are so hard to figure out, especially being so used to Resident Evil 4. And like many games for me, I find it hard. But it will get easier the second time around. (In RE4 in my first round, I died over 120 times, but I'm midway through the castle in my second round, and haven't died once yet.)

Also, some other old stories which I will briefely talk about. This RE5 being racist because of black zombies is the dumbest thing I ever heard (beating eating poptarts means that you are eating children, since in a magazine someone was reading, there was a pic of a poptart with an arrow pointing towards a part of it and showing kids). Barry Bonds beat the Hank Aaron record of home runs. What if you give me some of those 'roids Barry? Good job though.

And I will also continually post different list of stuff in video games, like favourite video game characters, villains, weapons etc.

This will start next week.

One Year on Gamespot

I thought I'd never get on today.....

It has been one year since my arrival on Gamespot. I really don't know what to say though.

In other knows, a week and a half ago, I had bought Resident Evil 4 (PS2). This is a truly amazing game, and have already beaten it, and am on my second go.

Also today, I purchased some games with a total of $16.something:

Half-Life (includes HL, Team Fortress Classic, Opposing Force and Blue Shift)
Civilization III
Axis and Allies

That's all I have to day for my one year anniversary blog post.

Violence Among Kids and Video Games

These days, kids and teenagers are more violent than ever, causing destruction, injury and sometimes even death. People don't know why it is like this today. But many people blame video game violence for kids going out and doing crime. They say games like Grand Theft Auto, Manhunt, Resident Evil 4 and many other games are making kids become more violent.

I have my own opinion on this: video games are not the reason why kids are getting more violent these days.

If video games are one of the major reasons of crime among kids these days, there are many things thatconflict with that. Was there violence in the "good old days". Were there major wars in the middle ages? Yes there were! Was it video games that helped inspire them? No there wasn't. Could kids in the middle ages have been inspired to cause trouble because of wars? Yes, but not much. Why were kids better back then, than now?

I know one major reason: a lack of discipline.

I just want to get this out of the way: I'm not one of those kids who are peacekeepers, against teasing as friendship, tell the teacher when there's a fight, hate classes where the kids act immature and funny etc. I'm the complete opposite. This is just my opinion.

Back then, kids were given much more restrictions, and more punishments. Do you think parents back then would stand to know that they're teen was out at 1:30 in the morning, not knowing what they're doing, and for all they know could be drinking and/or trashing a convinent store? They would've met much more discipline. They could've gotten a huge grounding, been spanked, or even gotten the good 'ole strap.

Kids wouldn't like to face those kind of punishments back then. But now, kids are given more freedom. Their parents aren't as strict as they were back then, thus, giving them more oppertunity and more motive to do stuff. Parents don't care as much when they're teen comes home at 2:00 AM, without reason.

War can also be a factor. Lets look back in Coloradoon April 20th (4/20 known by some)1999. In Iraq, Americans bombed several parts of Iraq, killing many. In Colorado, later that day, two students in Columbine High School killed thirteen kids and injured dozens of more people. Do you think it is a coinsodence that this school massacre happened on the same day as the same bombings? I don't think so.

These two kids were horribly bullied in their school. I've heard that in the cafeteria, many people would take ketchup packets and toss and squirt these kids with them, while teachers did nothing. Could that be another reason why they did the violence? Most certainly.

Throughout all these topics, I hardly mention about video games. That's not to say that video games aren't responsibe for any violence: there might be a couple of people that were inspired by GTA or such to do some crime. But it is not the huge factor that people think it is. When I play video games, I don't feel more or less inspired to go out and commit some crime.

Another reason is boredom. It may sound weird, but it is a factor. In my small town, there is not a lot to do, but I have quite a few friends here who smoke, do drugs and such. Since there is nothing to do, people turn to drugs and crime to make up time, and to have fun. Does it sound fun to gather with a huge mob of people and trash several streets because your bored and there's hardly anything to do? I believe so. And I also heard this: kids are meaner and more troublesome in towns that in cities and urban areas. Could boredom be one of the reasons?

In conclusion, video games aren'tone of the big factors of kid/teen violence these days. There are many otherreasons, withlogics with them, that are much, much more important factors. Things such as lack of disipline, boredomand other things that I haven't listed aren't looked as much as video games do, even though they would make more sense to many.

I have sounded my opinon, now what about yours?

2000 Posts, as Well as Other Things

i just typed up my 2000th post. It talks about my view on a top 100 list by another gaming website (which is very poor in my opinion. This is a milestone, so I might as well just have talked about it.

Speaking of Top 100 Lists, and viewing IGN's and re-looking at MM92's (now known as -Tish-), I have thought about it, and I have made my own Top 100 games of all time list. I don't know when to start posting it though, as I fear I may not get a lot of views on it, and I am unsure of the list itself. I may not even post it at all.

Anyways, I hope that I will be to post it someday, and to you Americans, have a great 4th of July (creative name, BTW).I, living in Canada, celebrated our B-Day on Sunday. I went to my cousin's house, played Perfect Dark (on my list)and Super Smash Bros. (great game), and even borrowed PD, but I don't have an expansion pack, so no campaign for me. And this weekend I will likely break to EB Games to get my hands on Resident Evil 4 (which ranked extremely high on my list).

I'm Back

I have returned after my long absence from Gamespot. I shall be here for the summer, which came by very quickly. Last summer felt just like yesterday. I'm not even joking. It seriously does feel like that.

You will see me a lot this summer. These are things I'm going to do this summer.

  • Sweep the forum boards
  • Return to my unions after my absence
  • Start contacting old friends
  • Write reviews (read them or pretend you read them)
  • Buy at least one or two games
  • Get better at some old games

There are also many changes since I left. If you can tell me them, I will be happy. Thanks!

The Reason of my Long Absence.

As you may have noticed, I haven't been on Gamespot for ages. Others may have just completely forgotten about me. Well, I have been absent for so long is because I have not been doing full out in school.

 You may have noticed my final report card prediction marks in an earlier blog post. Well, I was off, way off! My highest mark was a 72% :(. I had a 66% average. It is really pathetic. I have never done that bad. I know someone who had a 49 average, but that is not me. So I have been grounded off the Internet, as well as....all video games for the...semester.

This post was just to inform you of my absence. I am sorry.

Banner Request.

Can one of you make a banner for me please?

I want it at 760x140. I would like a dark background, with from left to right, the Master Chief (Halo), Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 4), Link (Zelda), Kratos (God of War) and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid Series). And as for my name, can you make it in the top left hand corner written in white.

Thanks for anyone who wants to help.