I got my 7th Platinum Trophy this morning, just before work. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was a nice warm up for the second game, even though I played the second game before the first one. The loss of melee attacking from behind cover, a challenging last boss, and great multiplayer was sad. But the first game was a great one, and a nice way for me to test-drive my new PS3 component cables. Now, everything looks shinier in HD.
My current game lineup is composed of Assassin's Creed 2 (which I won't touch until I get both DLC episodes so I have the full experience of the story), Borderlands (when the new expansion releases and enables the Level Cap increase. But until then, I'm a long way off from max levels), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (got it after two months of putting it off since Uncharted 2's done), Demon's Souls (this is one I'm gonna have to play exclusively with my free time since it needs that much devotion to it), LittleBIGPlanet (I still aspire to make at least one level in the course of having this game!) and Dragon Age: Origins (great RPG, and I've been meaning to make time for it. Seems likely since I'm missing out on Mass Effect 2). And if that wasn't enough...
In 2 weeks' time, I got three more PS3 games due out. White Knight Chronicles releases its International Edition Feb 3rd. It's supposed to be updated up the butt along with 50+ extra quests, a village you can visit exclusively on the PSN and get exclusive items on, live chat in-game with other players, and 4 player online co-op functionality. If this game is done right, it could be a fun RPG to play with its online potential.
Bioshock 2 releases Feb 9th and I am psyched for it. The first game was one of the most graphically well done games I've ever seen. I hope the second one just...blows expectations out of the water.
And then Star Ocean: The Last Hope International is due Feb 10th. I played the 360 version and loved that just because the Star Ocean games were anywhere from good to great. It sucks that the PS3 version won't have anything more than multi-lingual voicework. But still...trophies and being able to play it on the PS3 makes me happy.
Final Fantasy 13 is March 9th and still a ways off. Although it's getting criticized from lovers and haters, all that I do know about it is the graphics are great, the gameplay's a little innovative (mixes some Shin Megami Tensei: Persona-esque AI with Nocturne's 'if your main char dies, it's game over' schtick and turn-based RPG play, in FF-style), and it's got trophies to inspire numerous playthroughs. I hear the story's a little lame and the characters are a bit iffy until you learn their stories. But its still Final Fantasy. So far, the worst one I played to date was...well, I'd say there wasn't a bad FF to me just yet. So at the most, this game will be decent to me.
So what's on the menu for me for my next gaming project? Probably some Borderlands, Demon's Souls is a maybe...Dragon Age: Origins is a definite. See ya guys again soon!
XSkittleKrazyX on CoD: MW2, LittleBIGPlanet, Borderlands, and both Bioshock 2 and White Knight Chronicles when I get them. =D
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