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Grandstream Blog

100th Blog! Random Stuff And Ask Me Anything!

Now, I could have easily managed a blog a day and gotten to this point, but it would have been pretty redundant and treated GS like it was Facebook or Myspace. But the fact it took me 4 years to get this far is quite something...just goes to show I averaged a blog every 2 weeks.

I have reached the threshold of my gaming collection. I have just ordered Resonance of Fate along with Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition with the last of my Gamestop store credit and now have enough games to keep me busy for the next several months.

Current List: Assassin's Creed 2, Final Fantasy XIII, Heavy Rain, Resonance of Fate, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, White Knight Chronicles, Borderlands, Demon's Souls, LittleBIGPlanet, Valkyria Chronicles, and Dragon Age: Origins CE.

As you can see...I have a lot.

The good news is that the eventual US release of Tales of Vesperia and Fallout: New Vegas are still a ways off. So I've got plenty to play.

=( My DS Lite also broke finally. After three years...the tiny hinge cracked open. I just flipped it up like normal and the hinge broke. Wouldn't have mattered as much if the bottom didn't fall off and break the wires in those little hinges. So now, I have to save up for both a DS Lite and a new CD/DVD Drive for my computer since the one I have is a piece of -bleep-.

And I did promise that this was going to be special for you all. So guess what? Since a bunch of you have already done these blogs...


Yes, the time has come for all of you to pick at the gooey grey matter that lingers in my magnificent skull cap and ask me questions. I'm feeling very open, so go nuts. =P

Bed calls to me, so all of you go nuts this weekend with the questions. I'm curious as to your insight. =P See ya soon!

Back Into My 1st LittleBIGPlanet Level Building! Help Optional & Welcomed!

Well, my fellow LBP users, I'm doing it. For the heck of it (and a 1.25 update that put the POTC trophies in), I started the game up about 6 months from last I played and I got a level in mind.

This level will basically be crude...but it'll work to deliver some trophies in a single sitting. So far, I got the following confirmed to work:

-2x Multi

-8x Multi

-20x Multi


-Incredible Height

-Incredible Speed

Soon confirmed trophies (with a little tweaking): (the 1 million score trophy)

So far, I got 7 possible trophies I intend to set up in this one custom level.

Here's a plan for how its set up:

-The first trophy you can get is Incredible Speed. I set up a little rocket sled that will literally launch off a small platform, do many spectacular somersaults...fortunately, it'll launch you at such a fast speed that you'll nab this easily.

-The second, third, and fourth are the Multiplier trophies. There's a little 'basket' with enough orbs to propel you up to a 50-55x Multiplier. Should earn you around 130,000 to 150,000 score easily.

-The fifth trophy is the Incredible Height trophy. It can be nabbed two ways, although this way is proven to work; the other won't launch you high enough for it, I don't think. There's a platform that can lift itself after the 'basket' part of the stage and go up to the roof of the level. From there, just step off and you can grab it easily. Not to worry, as you can't die from a full level fall.

-And Sackbird, can be nabbed at the last part of the current stage. After the platform I mentioned, there is an arrow pointing down. Drop down from around there and go forward a bit to see a platform with a piston. It'll pause for a couple of seconds, launch, and then retract a couple seconds later. Just stand on it, fly upward and hold the left joystick up and to the left as much as you can. You should be in the air for at least 8 seconds and get this trophy.

There are 5 Bronze trophies and 1 Silver Trophy that you can nab in this custom level, no problem. I'll have it set up somehow so that you can get the 1 million trophy soon. Just need one particular prize bubble...its like a reddish panel that is concentrated score bubbly goodness you can run across...otherwise, I might upload this one soon.

However, since all LBP users online can now assist in building levels, I would like to arrange for a couple of you to play the game with me sometime soon, perhaps on the weekend, so we can nab those bubbles and get this level done. Plus, if you guys could play it and heart it and pass it on to your'd be nice. Plus, you also get additional trophies for helping someone build a level online (such as Team Creator)...

My next blog will be on the weekend probably...and since its my 100th, expect a special blog. =P

FFXIII Copies Having Issues?

I'm at Chapter 3. The game's run perfectly for me. But there's some rumors that there are some (obviously) bad copies floating around, which is common with a few games. The PS3 version is particularly with its share of issues. Stemming from freezes to corrupt game saves to the rare bricking (depending on how well your system's been running for you and how old it is), these are only affecting a small percentage.

Now, this may seem like a scare compared to the blog I posted before about there being some bad Heavy Rain copies floating around since this game was another highly anticipated game and part of a long standing series...but its more of a precaution.

Aside from the common issues up above, the big thing going on is that the game has data streaming. Which means it is constantly sending data through the Blu-ray drive into the unit, thereby eliminating load screens (some games have done this, like Uncharted 2, Bioshock 2, and no doubt the up and coming God of War III) and allowing you to play games without seeing the dreading 'Loading' screen beyond the game's initial start up (except during cutscenes and whatnot).

How is this a problem? It has the Blu-ray drive operating constantly to read the disc. And sometimes, like any DVD drive that gets used too much, it can wear out and die.

I've played a lot of games lately that worked to kill off the loading screen. I played Bioshock 2, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Heavy Rain, and Final Fantasy XIII. These are a few games I know of that keep the Blu-ray disc running constantly in order to deliver a great gaming experience to you all.

Right now, the only game that's given my PS3 any issues in the history that I've owned it was Fallout 3 (because of its massive bug collection and the fact it's so diverse compared to Oblivion).

So I, like all the rest of you, am hoping that my system doesn't die. It's stuck by me for nearly 2 years. And I intend to make sure that it can keep running as long as I possibly can.

Anyway, this'll be a blog you can spread around to your friends. Have them post if their copies are good or bad, what point in the game they are at, and (if they have bad copies) what happened to their machines.

I am safe to say that I haven't encountered any issues yet. But I'm nowhere near getting started with the game. See ya guys soon!

What Score Would You Give Final Fantasy 13?

The blog speaks it all. I gave the game an 8.5/10. If I could, I'd do an 8.75/10. But a 9 would be a total lie to a lot of players. In my opinion, this Final Fantasy is undoubtedly the easiest one so far. It does take some innovative turns with its battle system. And I loved how they managed to bring back the FFX equipment style (one weapon, one accessory, with the ability to upgrade said weapons) and worked the FFX idea of stat upgrades combined with FFXII's 'earn points in battle to upgrade your stats instead of spheres' approach. The graphics are the best I've seen to date, as is the sound. Trophy support guarantees a very in depth playthrough for hardcore trophy freaks. The story could have used some work (hopefully it'll get better as you get further into the game), and the characters deserved to have more depth to them (which is also something I hope for as you get further in) with the exception of Lightning.

But the game overall is worth a play for a lot of RPG fanatics. More people will like it than hate it. A few will love it. It isn't the Final Fantasy that everyone should play. That spot's still reserved for Final Fantasy III (aka 6).

What about you guys? Anyone who's played it, what score do you think it deserves and why?

Final Fantasy XIII Releases Tomorrow!

Put simply, folks. The title says it all. This blog I expect to get quite a few responses. The least you can do is link your friends to it, let them post in it with you.

Final Fantasy XIII releases at 12:01 AM tomorrow morning on the East coast. Which means we get to see it first! I won't be playing it until tomorrow afternoon, however. I plan to go to my 9 AM class, stick around until 11, 11:30, catch a bus up to Gamestop. I figure I'll get home by 1 PM or so, have about a few hours to enjoy it. I'm sure the game will get at least an 8/10 (4/5) out of me since I haven't played a BAD Final Fantasy as of yet.

I'll be posting my review for this game in the next couple of days, followed by reviews for Valkyria Chronicles and Heavy Rain. I am also considering purchasing Resonance of Fate next week with the Dragon Age expansion. At which point, I will proceed to review those two as well.

Hope to get a few comments from you's some questions to consider:

1) PS3 or 360 Version?

2) What is your impression of the game before you play it?

3) Holding out for this or Versus?

4) What score do you think it deserves?

My Life in RPGs

I am described as a very quiet, very mellow individual in real life. That same basis seems to translate into me when I go shopping for video games. Before I began working, I looked to getting 3 or 4 games for Christmas from the family. It was how I had built up my RPG collection, having secured the bulk of my PS1 games in recent years.

Final Fantasy 7 was the first RPG I ever played. I had gone to a friend's house, looked at his PS1 collection, pulled out an interesting looking case that had a man with a giant sword overlooking a building beyond that seemed so foreboding. Asking me if I wanted to play it, I agreed. I had mixed feelings about it. The moment the first battle dawned and the (at the time) greatest graphics utilized on a PS1 console reached my eyesight, I hit the X button to execute my first 'Attack'. I watched the enemy disappear in a flash of red. Nearly an hour later, I am negotiating with my friend to borrow this game. He obviously said no. The next day, I had gone to Gamestop and managed to find a great condition preowned copy of the game. I also bought the strategy guide since it seemed like a good idea at the time (just before 20 bucks became the new 15 for a copy of the strategy guide, and they had UNOFFICIAL guides for certain games, which included FF7). I kept the game for a good 7 years.

My collection expanded based on what I read about in gaming magazines. I had gotten ahold of well known hits like nearly every Final Fantasy (Chronicles escaped my grasp at the time) Legend of Dragoon, Xenogears, Lunar: Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue (the special editions!), and Brave Fencer Musashi. I had others like Star Ocean: The Second Story, both Saga Frontiers, both Breath of Fire 3 and 4, and both Wild Arms. Some hits like Grandia, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 1 and 2 and both Suikodens were unknown to me (apparently cause of how hard they were and still are to find). Before I graduated high school, I had a shoebox full of RPGs...until someone stole them. I found out who did it, but by the time I found out which Gamestop he sold them to...nearly all of them had flown right out the door. So in the end, I only got back a fraction of what I owned originally, minus the bonus content if they had any...and he had to pay me around 600 dollars in damages for the theft. That money I used to get my PS2, some of the PS2 games I owned for it, and a bike.

To this day, I only have a small collection of RPGs. Some I had to buy off of eBay, others I got through recycling at Gamestop before all PS1 inventory got removed...the only real gems I have are FF7, Xenogears, Star Ocean the Second Story, and Legend of Dragoon. I do own both Suikodens, Castlevania: SOTN, Tales of Destiny II, FF Anthology, FF8, FF9, Wild Arms 1 and 2, and Grandia. All of these games do have some wear and damage up to and including looking like total -bleep-. Yet my PS3 (yes, PS3) can read all of these games perfectly and play them all.

So what is left for me now? I still collect RPGs when I find the time and money to do so. I collected a considerable amount of them on PS1, PS2, and on DS. My PS3 collection of them is merely beginning with games like Valkyria Chronicles, White Knight Chronicles, Star Ocean: The Last Hope International, Eternal Sonata, and the eventual US releases of Tales of Vesperia and Final Fantasy XIII.

This may seem like a rather obscure tale, but its all true for me. I was a gaming recluse for a few years. But now, I actually love going into Gamestops and talking with people. I love going online and playing with others. Does that mean I have a disorder? No. I still get out of the house. I go to college and socialize. I work a lot and socialize. I'm starting to build my life up. But 15 years later, video games still hold a place in my heart. And my wallet.

Micro Reviews Due Soon!

Hey guys!

With my new job eating up most of my week in addition to school, I usually look forward to the weekend to unwind and play my games. With Final Fantasy XIII and RE5: Gold Edition due just next week with God of War III and Dragon Age: Awakenings the week after, I've still got 8 or 9 PS3 games already I still have to play through and beat.

Current List:


-Assassin's Creed 2


-White Knight Chronicles

-Heavy Rain

-Dragon Age: Origins

-Demon's Souls

-Bioshock 2

-Valkyria Chronicles

Coming Soon:

-Final Fantasy XIII

-Dragon Age: Awakenings

-RE5: Gold Edition

-God of War III

Yes, I spend too much money on games. FF13 and the new Dragon Age are must buys for me; God of War III and RE5: Gold will become possible buys in the coming months. And then if Tales of Vesperia gets ported to the PS3 here in the states soon, I'll get that and Fallout: New Vegas at the end of 2010, leaving the new Dead Space, Batman, and Star Wars titles for 2011.

I'll have micro-reviews up soon for Heavy Rain, FF13, and Dragon Age within the next couple of weeks.

See you guys online soon!

If I Got a PSP... order to take my mind off of the impending PS3 Global Failure (ApocalyPS3), I've compiled my wish list for the eventual PSP purchase and whatnot:

-Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core


-Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

-Lunar: Silver Star Harmony

-Shin Megami Tensei: Persona

-Valkyria Chronicles 2 (Summer)

-Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (Summer)

-Brave Story: New Traveller

-Star Ocean: Second Departure

-Yggdra Union

-Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

-God of War: Chains of Olympus

-Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (Summer)

-Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

-Patapon 1 and 2

-Wild Arms XF

-Dissidia: Final Fantasy

-Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (Summer)

As for PSN Stuff:

-Final Fantasy 7 and 8

-Wild Arms 1 and 2



-Crystal Defenders

That's my wish list. But until I make a ton of cash anytime soon...this is nothing more than a wish list. =(

Update: PSN Suffering Global Lockdown!

Currently, any and all Fat PS3 owners will be unable to log onto the PSN due to an unexpected error. This seems to follow Sony's revamp of their Playstation website.

No online play is one thing. Another big issue seems to be PS3 games that have Dynamic Trophy support (such as Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain, Fallout 3). Basically, when you see a PS3 game that says 'Installing Trophies' while its loading up to the main screen, that's your Dynamic Trophy support.

And Date/Times are getting set back to Dec 31st, 1999. Y2K is becoming the Y2K10?

I know Sony will have this fixed up ASAP. I disabled my Internet Connection setting on my PS3, but I have yet to stick Heavy Rain in. Thanks, Sony. Now I have to wait longer to enjoy this game...

Update: Due to a programming glitch in the date/time settings in the PS3 (basically, it calculated that 4 years later, we were supposed to have a Feb 29th according to the calculations done for date and time settings) that conflicted with what was logged on the PSN, this seems to be the primary reason why every system failed at the same time. Sony expects a fix will be up and running within the next 24 hours. And they advise that anyone not play their PS3. However...

-PS1 and PS2 games should be okay as they do not support trophies. But if you do write game saves with your games on the system, they may get corrupted with the fix goes through. The same goes for any PS3 games that do not support trophies.

In other words, you can play any of the above in your system. But as long as you don't save anything before the fix goes through, you should be fine.

Heavy Rain Issues?

Alright. I've had my copy of the game since Tuesday, haven't opened it up yet. And then I find out through the grapevine that the game does have some issues

The story is among the best I've played, so it is not the issue. It's simplistic. A serial killer is being hunted from many angles: the police, the FBI, the news, and even the public. The characters you experience are so genuine and have their own reasons for hunting the same thing: the Origami Killer. It is on par with something you go to the movies to see. And the story is recycled. But what matters is how the story unfolds. And that brings us to the next potential concern.

No, it isn't the replayability. Some people have issues with playing the story through more than once, intending to do it for the sake of obtaining all the trophies. But it isn't any different than watching a great movie, and deciding for yourself to watch it all over again. Now, you know how it ends, and how things may lead up to that point. But you can have characters interact differently in each situation. That one piece of evidence you discover could be consistent later. The next person you talk to may get into something dangerous, and you're the only one who can help them (so you must decide to help them or ignoring them). Given the base plot is going to be the same for any game you do, and you know the characters, but how you interact with these characters under your control is ultimately up to you.

Is it the graphics? Maybe. The demo has given me a visual astoundment. It isn't on par with what Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Metal Gear Solid 4, or various other graphically beautiful games I've seen, but it still looks pretty.

And it isn't the trophy support. Supposedly, trophies unlock in this game at the end of the chapter. So you do not need to worry about any pop ups interrupting your in-game experience until the chapter ends.

Graphics, gameplay, trophy support, and replayability. They have their little quirks, but they aren't the biggest offenders. Supposedly, those who have the game in the US are having some game issues PERIOD. I'm not sure how many it is, but there's been numerous postings from as many as a couple hundred different people across three forums I looked at regarding major bugs, anywhere from black screens to character glitches, corrupt save files to freezing, and other things. The biggest offender seems to come from the fact that Sony released a 230 MB update for the game which is causing these problems.

Now, I am tempted to make a forum post here on GS for Heavy Rain, to get posts from those who played the game, and to enlighten us if their copy was good or bad. I think it would be very accurate and show just how many people are having problems versus those who haven't.