I've had my 360 for a few months now, but I seemed to have missed all and any talk about the XNA development kit to make 360 games, I talked to a friend that I'm geting an apartment with over the summer and we're going to make a game together. . . any ways I wanted to know if any one here was working on their own game or had heard of any indie titles coming out that your excited about.
yeah, but this is beyond a rating like a game thats not great,but there was something about it that was special that made it one of your favorite games. Or if it's part of your favorite franchise and you may rate it lower than another game but because its part of your favorite franchise its more important to you.
whats the point of displaying a collection (especially an impressive collection) if you can't let people know what games you like the most, its not a big deal for some one with 10 games, but I have 112 games going all the way back to NES and I wish I could highlight to other users which titles mean the most to me. which could also be used to point out your favorite franchise or a game within a franchise that you enjoyed the most. as two gamers can own the same games but favor different titles. I know there's a rating system and a game collection description that you can mention your favorites in but this is more on the fly, much like gamespot's editor's choice, this would be "gamer's choice" and just put a star next to the title. I got the idea looking at Greg Kasavin's profile cuz he has like 300 titles and i'd like to know from big collectors or gamespot editors, titles they enjoy the most (especially if they didn't rate the game).
I would pay for the demo if that cost could be taken off the games price. that and you have to think they can't charge so much for a demo that no one plays it cuz why pay $5 for a demo if you can rent the game and play the whole thing for like 8 or 9 dollars or if you pay 15 a month for like gamefly or gamepass, I rented and beat 10 games last month for $15 gamerpass from blockbuster thats $1.50 to rent each game, so pointless for me to bother.
most of the games are cheap now that 360 is out. so just go to EB or game stop and check the bargain bin, i went there the other day and got 18 games for 76 dollars.
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