GrayHalo's forum posts
way to give 12 lame reasons why GTA is better, many of which are your opinions base on your inablility to play saints row.
honesty I think you supplied 0 good reasons why GTA is better which is sad.
dead rising hands down
resident evil 4 was good but the rest of the series is rubbish
i totally agree with you, but I'm alittle more optimistic. Gamerpoints ARE a marketing Gimmick I do realize that but its HELPED me branch out and play games I might not normally have played and on several ocassions I've found a gem that I may never have touched had it been not for a gamer score craving. I also don't let it control me, I still refuse to play sports titles and movie games (depending on what movie it was). nor do I buy games all willy nilly, I rent mostly leaving longer games like obilivion and the like for purchase.
BTW you can turn it off. just enter a cheat code but don't turn on the cheat, you'll never see an achievement notice pop up for that game again.
Meh... there isn't a game that makes me want to pee in my pants... I guess GTA IV is the best for me out of that list.Ranger_x8b
so there are games out there that make you WANT to pee you pants? that sounds serious, you should try to take care of that.
call of duty 3, I bought it for the multiplayer what a mistake. so I'm trading it in for COD 4
Saints Row...especially with GTAIV coming out. The main missions only involved shooting people, and the grapics are awful. Gameplay is more varied in GTA, which is why SR feels cheap to me.partridge3
staints row has bad graphics? I took SR's graphics as a welcomed relief from GTA 3 - SA.
but for my pick call of duty 3, I bought it for the multiplayer what a mistake. so I'm trading it in for COD 4
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