@Pandajuicy @HonorOfGod I played the old ones, and i'm in the middle of the new one right now, and i'm loving it so far...good for them for updating it so nicely..but unfortunately you can't ever make everyone happy.
@MAD_AI @Grayle @TheOnlyConan Good, i'm glad you recognize that. Now I decree that you stop being so cranky and do something nice for someone today, you'll feel better.
@MAD_AI @Grayle @TheOnlyConan Who gives a crap? If it makes people happy at the possibility, then is there really nothing better going on in your life that you have to worry about it? Let people hope, heaven forbid...
@mouse314 @Grayle @ThePlantain It might've not gone off like you wanted, but it was funny.. :) And I've been saying for a while now, like it or not, the Kinect with Oculus would be pretty sweet.
Grayle's comments