@HonorOfGod @Grayle If we left it up to people, we'd still be at the PS1 and the first Xbox...every time a new generation is looming people say we don't need it, the current generation is just fine...people as a whole are afraid of change..and sad but true, everything from our clothing, to our sports drinks, cars and entertainment is mostly dictated by the companies throwing it out there and telling us we need it...and we nervously tip toe into the water and then find out it wasn't so scary afterall... it's been going on since the dawn of time. And of course they only changed their minds because of the all might $..that's why they're there..that's why any business is there. Do you think Sony or any other company makes their choices to give us the warm and fuzzies, purely? only if it means more $$ for them.. or else they wouldn't be a business...
As far as the Kinect. The reason there isn't much for it is because it's an optional piece of equipment right now...who's going to develop anything for something only 25% or so of the market has... but if 100% of the market has it, well now it's looking a lot more enticing...i'm not even crazy about it, but it doesn't take a genius to see that the potential for it could be huge...so we'll see..if it flops on this go round, we probably won't see a Kinect 3...but this does make it take off, you can guarantee that there'll be a mandatory eyetoy for the PS5.
@HonorOfGod Why? because they tried to make the developers and the mass public happy at the same time and screwed up? They at least sucked it up and admitted it didn't work... and because of it, likely none of the other companies are going to try anything like it for awhile...It is coming whether we like it or not, they just jumped the gun and tried to innovate a little too far ahead, too fast.
@HonorOfGod Same reason the Playstation's still around after the launch of the PS3? It's a marathon, not a sprint... companies do stupid things sometimes. They stumble, they fall. It's if they can pick themselves up and make up for it that wins or keeps them in the race.
@spartanx169x Not me...and I weep for youtube being flooded with endless gaming videos that nobody cares about except the person who put it up there...eeesh
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