Do you guys that keep buying these, do anything with this stuff or is it cool for about 2 days and then collects dust in the corner? sincere just reminds me of the collectable covers that comics went through in the 90s and why I stopped collecting.
@ajay1708 @Grayle Personally, I see one of their main problems just quit/urged out the door, earlier this week. I see what they were trying to do. A) trying to make the publishers/designers happy and B) trying to plan ahead for what the next 5 years or so is going to bring. But their execution, whether it was a good idea or bad, has just been brutal...I'm glad they did the 180 on most of that, though, because healthy competition means we all win in the end. The Kinect, like most people, i'm not a big fan of, but I see that there is huge potential in it, and I hope that if everyone is going to be stuck with it that it will cause developers to start cranking out stuff for it...personally, if they paired it up with the Oculus, that could be amazing...a fully digital you, hands, feet and everything with a VR? Sweet. but right now it's a lot of "ifs" only time will tell. But I wish them all the luck, because the more they do that works, the more goodies Playstation gets, and vice versa... Variety is the spice of life, afterall.
@LucentWolf @Grayle @ajay1708 Ha! Like I said on some other article on here last week, I don't know what happened to their 360 PR department, but they need to get them back or something, because the new crew is just a trainwreck. Their execs need to stop trying to get into the spotlight and leave it up to the people hired for that position. Trojan Extra Gritty.
@ajay1708 I'm sure you've seen this a hundred times in the last few weeks, but every company is out to get all our money. That's why they're in business. Not to spread happy feelings, and not to give the farm away. Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Samsung, Ubi, Target, Walmart, etc etc...Sony's not there to bring happiness to the world just out of the goodness of their hearts, or else they'd cease to exist as a company because they'd go bankrupt before you know it. In general, any nice thing a company does for us, is only for the reason to help their bottom line. That's the reality of capitalism.
@burrito_tester This is where it's supposed to come in handy having an engineering department and a marketing department. There's a reason these people make stuff instead of doing public speaking engagements.
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