Note that the word XB one when combined is banned on the threads here. That's kind of odd isn't it. Might it have something to do with the advertising department ;)
It looks to me to be pretty consistent with most of the other games in this generation in that PS4>XB1>360>PS3.
The 360 version in fact looks surprisingly good particularly in terms of the texture filtering and the shadow effects. It's visibly as much of an improvement over the PS3 version as the PS4 version is over the XB1 version (maybe even more). I would even go as far as to say that the XB1 version, while clearly better than the 360 version, comes across looking less impressive because of it - it underperforms while the 360 overperforms and the combined difference isn't as impressive.
@brockelley The game might look better in the final build (and my guess is that it most certainly will). My biggest concern is that the texture quality is pretty low for the top end consoles and even then they're not hitting 30fps, The difference in quality between the 10 year old consoles and the 'next gen' consoles is really not that significant - it's disheartening
@quicktim3 Lol - pretty soon we're going to be talking about 4K resolutions and the "next gen consoles" are going to be struggling to hit 900p! My concern is that these consoles are simply not powerful enough to last a full generation. It's quite sad that this seems to be true about six months in to the generation!
@AzatiS @silversix_ My guess is that it will come out in September 2015 - Sony has 12 months of exclusivity on the launch content and so I'm assuming that in twelve months we'll see a Master Race edition for the PC that will include all of the DLC. In the meantime I'm fine with playing this on the current gen consoles. I preordered the white Destiny PS4 bundle but to be perfectly honest - Destiny is a great game, but the difference in quality between the current gen and next gen versions is not quite high enough to justify picking up a new console. I'll wait another year to see what Halo 5 looks like and make a call then. In the meantime - I think I'll pick up an SSD for my PC just because I can ;)
Thanks to PS+ for giving this game a second shot after what I consider to be very unfair reviews. This is a terrific game with an intriguing story, a good game play mechanic, and really fun to play. Given the inflated reviews for games that seem to spend more on marketing, it's disappointing to see GameSpot give this a mediocre review. It's available for free on PS+, I tricky encourage you to give this a shot. The game is a solid 8 to 8.5.
I played through the whole series as femshep paragon and manshep renegade. It was different enough to allow for some major differences. I preferred the femshep play through. I'm comfortable enough in my manhood that I don't feel the need to deride male femsheps.
@bignick217 I'm worried about the same stuff. Activision will milk this (and us) dry. I was a huge Halo fan at one time - this whole 'reveal' just didn't excite me. I was completely turned off by the dude that called this the greatest game of all time too.
Reminds me a little of PSO on the Dreamcast, but bigger and more Bungie-like. I'm concerned about the always on multiplayer - I prefer single player games. I disagree with this concept that "everything is better with multiplayer" - it's an entirely different experience where strategy, tactics and playing methodically takes a back seat to fragfesting.
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