*sigh*Can you please!!! say why you didnt like it. You sound so dumb to me, just like your trying to get people to not buy it because you cant get it. Can you please just explain why you did not like it, what is so bad about it.
I know what the guy is getting at. When I played Turok I got the exact same feeling as when I played Blacksite. There's nothing particularly bad about it, there's just nothing great about it either. Underwhelming in terms of gameplay, presentation and atmosphere.
Gears of War is an example of how you can take a standard, unexciting premise, make a few gameplay tweaks and turn it into a really exciting game. Turok fails on that level, and if you asked me why I can't give a definite answer, it's more a series of little niggles that you can't quite put your finger on.
My suggestions for improvement would be to change the way dinosaurs are presented. Make them a big deal. The demo consists mostly of just fighting wave after wave of raptors, and it quickly gets dull and repetative. This is not helped by the fact that the music is... hell I can't even remember if there was any music. The sounds are poor too. Generally speaking, the atmosphere of the game just isn't there. It currently feels like a bog-standard FPS but with dinosaurs.
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