What's the point of a VR headset if the game isn't set in the first-person perspective? A lot of games aren't. And Nintendo was the first of the console giants to successfully implement cheap motion controls, and now everyone's acting like the other companies didn't completely ride its jock.
Nintendo may have botched the Wii U release, but the Wii U gamepad tech is pretty ingenious (it's like playing a huge DS with a detached touchscreen), and we might see some really interesting things when the first two-player gamepad games are released. Imagine the possibilities. Or why bother, since third-party developers lack the imagination and initiative to actually use the tech and push themselves to make something new.
Part of the problem is this widespread acceptance of the term "IP", which is really growing tiresome (especially when gamers use it). Stop treating ideas like golden-egg laying geese.
Interesting read, if a little spoiler-y. David Cage can get pretty self-indulgent in interviews, but I like his games--Omikron, Indigo Prophecy, Heavy Rain. Really looking forward to Beyond.
Oh, change the caption so that it reads "Jodie's", not "Ellie's". Funny mistake.
@erikdisab @GreenvaleXYZ I agree with your use of the word "minus". It's a subtraction, not an addition. And yes, if I want the whole game they ARE forcing me to buy "the rest".
It's no special disrespect to Sony or the PS4 or Evolution Studios or you, I'm just sick of how this trend cheapens gaming.
@erikdisab @GreenvaleXYZ The "it" of your sentence refers to an incomplete game, and it's not free--it's part of a package deal. Don't you get tired of these companies releasing bits and pieces at a time?
@Nzilla @GreenvaleXYZ @Voredor You're arguing that the Dreamcast had flaws like the Virtual Boy. It didn't. Just because it failed to sell doesn't mean it was a bad system. It was actually incredible.
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