@Yalaa1 @Strider8009 No because they're wrong. Liking something is one thing, but people don't just say "I like it." They say "I liked it and it was a great game so I don't know what's wrong with you." That's a statement of fact. Unfortunately, the FACT is that RE6 blows dicks. In a 40 hour game, there were maybe 4 good hours. 10% is not a passing grade. And none of those hours include Mercs, mercs is by default good so it does not count at all.
@RondoMachete Everyone else clearly meaning 11 year old girls and frat boy retards and otherwise Stockholme Syndrome suffering fan-tards who don't have any respect for themselves that they continue to suck at the tit of increasingly terrible horrible Resident Evil games. RE6 was terrible at a level that defies comprehension . Even the worst games in history were better than RE6, like Cyberia or ET. It looks like utter dog shit on both PS3 and 360, it has worse graphics than RE5, the characters continue to show a minimum of development and a minimal amount of personality, the story is virtually non-existent, the interface blows, the Skill system blows and they somehow managed to ruin the one thing that was always solid in RE4 and RE5 - gun customization. e.g there is none in RE6, and it plays like Operation Raccoon City. Not to mention, camera angles almost as bad as MG Rising Revengeance. The bosses were unimaginative and boring, and easy, Simmons was literally a 7 stage boss who made no sense, and they even ruined Ada's campaign with a patch that made it co-op. The enemies are just a mashed together re-hash of the last three games - it has enemies from Revelations in it, an attempt at zombies, more boring intelligent zombie soldiers who you can still massacre with melee (something that defined skill in RE1/2/3/CV - being able to win with a knife). The list goes on and on, and to top it all off, the best co-op (before Ada was co-op) campaign in the game is the one that is 100% not survival horror - Chris.
@Rambolike Microtrans I would support the shit out of if it went directly to the developers. I'm starting to feel like the way people feel about music. I'll happily pay for things if you tell me where that money goes - if the Lead Character Designer or the Coffee Bitch or whatever gets a deserved bonus or whatever from it, or it funds them making good games, I'm all for it. **** EA, they can die in a fire - they deserve none of my money.
Why wouldn't they? They killed Visceral Australia, they may as well kill Visceral's other studios too. It's not like they made 3 of the best games in the past decade. (DS1/2/Dante's Inferno).
Grenadeh's comments