There's something about the pick up mechanic that I don't really like... I know they're trying to differentiate themselves from Battlefield but, really, having stationary vehicles in certain parts of the map to just jump into is not exactly copying Battlefield.
I love how honest they are about how the previous games have been so good, thus there are things they don't think they should tamper with out of respect. I hope this sort of respect is given with DICE's Battlefront 3.
9/10 is a good score. You shouldn't take out your fanboy rage on Carolyn just because she doesn't deem GTAV perfect. I do, however, disagree with the comments she made about misogyny . I feel like she's taken the ill-treatment of women, in a world that is completely filled with satire and irony, and made it out to be a stance that the game has taken. However, you shouldn't trash someone for their opinion. I understand her point of view, I just disagree with Petit using it as a term to describe the tone of the game when it's, more than likely, a satirical way of portraying these types of men (main characters, criminals, etc.).
@komuchen But I'm not following 'him' because I know nothing about him -- even if Vladimir Putin said what David Ellis said, I would still agree with the point (who says it is irrelevant). Maybe I misinterpreted the tone of your first comment. I was trying to tell you that I didn't really know anything about Ellis, but agreed with that ONE statement he made on twitter.
@SirNormanislost @komuchen As I said, I'm supporting his comment, not defending him. I'm simply agreeing with his tweet. I know nothing about David Ellis to make any comments about his conduct. So, I don't really know why you're telling me he's a hypocrite?
@komuchen I don't really care what else David has said/done. I just agree with the particular comment he made. I'm not supporting him, I'm just supporting the comment he's made.
Chloe Frazer from Uncharted is a 'sexy' character. An example of how you don't need to show tits and ass to be alluring. I completely agree with David Ellis.
I think what this kid said was disgusting, and some form of action should be taken. Community service, maybe? But seriously, why would you take up a space in prison that could be used for a genuine criminal with a stupid boy? I mean, people are sick, unfortunately. When people first heard about Michael Jackson dying, there were jokes a few seconds later. That's just the nature of humanity.
GriffinLord602's comments