@tempertress All of those stories I mentioned are well-documented. How exactly are screenshots of a hacked Indiegogo campaign "unsubstantiated" or "he said, she said social commentary"? Plus, Kotaku's been changing policies due to conflicts of interest between developers and their writers. Meanwhile, you reported on the Anita Sarkeesian abuse, which actually is unsubstantiated; her word and a three-minute-old Twitter account is exactly the "he said, she said social commentary" you claim you don't have any interest in playing into.
I don't wish to be rude but like I said, don't insult our intelligence. This is a games journalism site, isn't it? Shouldn't you be telling me important stories, rather than the other way around?
"There's never an excuse for harassment or threats."
Agreed but you know something else? There's no excuse why a games journalism site can't accurately report on controversies in the gaming world. That's the reason why the controversy exists.
No mention of Phil Fish being abusive towards his followers, including a victim of sexual harassment? No mention of the controversy of unethical behaviour by games journalists, associating with and funding developers that could create conflicts of interest? No mention of The Fine Young Capitalists' wonderful Indiegogo campaign that not only is more progressive for women than every biased and factually-incorrect Anita Sarkeesian video but has faced hacking too?
Stop insulting our intelligence. We live in the internet age. This isn't something that will go away if you pretend it doesn't exist.
Fetch is as much a focus group character as Delsin. Just the same Lisbeth Salander-inspired "alternative" girl we've seen everywhere else (Clara from Watch Dogs, for example).
@mosheste Ever considered maybe that's because this is different while Yakuza 5 is a dime-a-dozen brawler with four prequels that are exactly the same?
@d-man The answer to the mystery of the parents' disappearance in Gone Home was "the parents had gone away for the weekend". That's not a good mystery.
@geosurface "If you told a serious PC gamer that going from 720p to 1080p, doubling your framerate, and getting the boost to sharpness and anti-aliasing that is happening for TLOU remaster, was "looking exactly the same" ??? They'd laugh you off the planet."
If that's true, then PC gamers need to get a life.
You know what annoys me? I once wrote to Sony after several PS3 breakages and, during a rant, complained about the lack of backwards compatibility. In their response, although the most important reason was price, one of the reasons given was also:
"We also decided that it would be in the longer term interest of both PS3 users and for growth of the PS3 format if we devoted our resources to developing the next generation content and services that users expect from a brand like PlayStation, rather than focusing on reproducing last generation experiences"
And yet we just get "HD" remasters that look exactly the same, not to mention a bunch of games from previous console generations available to buy.
I can understand why a developer would release, say, the FFX/FFX-2 HD remaster on PS3. There were some features that never made it out of Japan, translated for the first time, for a console without backwards compatibility. This? This is just The Last Of Us with some anti-aliasing.
The Last Of Us wasn't worth it the first time and it isn't worth it now, it spite of Carolyn's drooling over the forced story and generic third-person shooter combat.
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