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GuidesAndThat Blog

Does my blog look big in this?

Has the entire internet got some web page version of Body dysmorphic disorder? All the big sites seem to be obsessed solely with their appearance rather than any practical functionality. Facebook's done it, now's done it, next up is supposed to be hotmail, where will it end? P.S. looks great now by the way. (no seriously, everyone keep saying that otherwise they'll change again! ;) )

So this is Christmas...

And what have I done? Well not very much Christmas wise. :(

Most of my time since October I've spent working on a building site in Belfast, which is now a shiny new IKEA. My bosses saw fit to give me the prestigious honour of running a full CCTV installation of said purveyor of furniture. This contributed to an award and whopping bonus I received at the Christmas party. Trouble is, because of the afore mentioned work, which finally ended yesterday, I haven't really acknowledged it is Christmas let alone spend any of my hard earned wad buying presents for people. Am I becoming a workaholic, I wonder? I think, what I should do as soon as possible is book my holidays for next year. Only instead of Christmas week itself, I should book the week before it off. wise, save adding new episodes of stuff, I've neglected the poor thing all year. Of course Christmas is quite a busy time for many of the programmes I edit so I promise to be more attentive.

Not sure what the New Year holds for me yet, probably more IKEAs. They want to build one in Dublin now. Apparently now the Irish have a taste for flat-pack furniture, they want more! Nevertheless, I need to watch my social life and stop ignoring the more important things in life. My new years resolution, if you will.

Anyway, enough ba-humbuging, how's everyone else getting on? Hope you're all enjoying the holidays! :)

Happy Easter 2007!


Just wanted to wish everyone a pleasant Easter break, lots of Easter eggs and the same sunny 18C/64F weather we're having in good old blighty... (I'm serious, it's bloody warm 'round 'ere! :D)

Blot on the landscape.

Although it wasn't deliberate, it seems it became consistant that I would become editor for shows made by the BBC. I've got ten of them there, but my latest and 11th show has killed my apparent loyalty to Aunty Beeb stone dead. Dear God... what have I done. :D

Yes there is a white egg amongst my brown eggs, there is a can of coke amongst my crate of beer cans, a stray Irish euro amongst my pound sterling coins, I'm editor of a... *spits* ...LivingTV show! (Most Haunted to be exact).

I can never go back now, it's too late. It'll be Channel 4 next, then maybe something from *gasp* ITV1. It's a sickness I tells ya!

Busiest time of year.

Hello everyone! Did you miss me? :D

Okay so I've not been doing much here recently. Sorry if I've neglected anybody! I have, however, been dutifully processing my queue on an almost daily basis so although I'm quiet, I'm still sort of an active tomer.

The reasons for my quietness are a bit confused really. It doesn't seem a long time since I wrote my last blog yet a lot of time has actually passed and a lot of things have happened in that time... if you can follow my meaning. I've had a lot of other things to do both at home and at work. Work commitments send me away from an internet connection quite regularly. Plus, when I do get time to myself to do these sort of things my attention has become divided between this site and Wikipedia. Although contributing to articles about my home town has given me rest from writing about telly all the time.

There is another huge reason for not contributing here much recently. There have been no new episodes of anything I edit! Top of the Pops was axed, Little Britain took a year off, My Family hasn't been on since early this year, so not much to contribute there... until now!

Yes, while everyone else has a well earned rest for the holiday season, I have not one, not two, not even three, but four Christmas specials of all afore mentioned series to write up about and all on Christmas day no less! They're like buses, wait for one and they all come at once!

Anyway enough of the excuses and the sympathy searching, ;) May I just use this opportunity to wish everyone happy holidays and a fantastic new year!


Hope you're all doing well!

Been busy

Finding the time and presence of mind to blog about something has become quite difficult recently. I've either been away from my computer, or just to tired to write two sentences without getting writers block. Somehow now I feel like I can take on the challenge so here's my best attempt.

First, some long awaited cynisism. ;)

So the 'finale' of Top of the Pops came and went. An aged Jimmy Saville was seen fumbling about back stage looking for the off switch. As it all went dark Sir Jimmy poignantly shook his head and walked away. Yep, seems final to me... however... "as it 'appens"... that off switch is a bit dodgy and is liable to flick on again at any time. In an interview broadcast later a big boss at the BBC confirmed there would be a Christmas special as usual leaving me with the feeling that Aunty Beeb's left hand doesn't know what Aunty Beeb's other hand is doing... and vice versa. Further evidence of this, it would appear, comes with the show producers, who seemed to be oblivious of any problems before the show was announced to be axed, seemed to think it'd be back on our screens properly in a couple of years. So I await in eager anticipation of what they'll do next, all the time repeatedly checking TV listings just in case the BBC suddenly put it back on air and hope no one notices.

On a more sincere note, work continues on the 'My Family' guide, even though the BBC catalogue is still off line (resists temptation to jump cynically back on his anti-BBC hobby horse) lots of information is still being added to this guide and a significant turn around in the quality of information it gives is, I'm proud to say, being seen. A massive percentage of the credit for this goes to a recently joined user; layle1 who's input and help is greatly appreciated. Thanks layle1!

Auugh, writers block! Sorry, that's it, I've conked out, that's about all I can manage for now.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is well and having a great time in whatever they're doing!


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