Well that was an interesting couple of days. Driven probably the furthest I've ever driven before all the way up to Wee Bonny Scotland and the iccle city of Dundee. Done a job lasting two hours and then driven all the way back again. Madness... takes it toll, as someone once said. Anyhoo, back home again... wonder where I'll get sent next week. :D Now what have we got here now... new buttons, Downloads? Now that's a good idea, in fact it's such a good idea I think CNET should make it into a site called, I dunno, www.download.com maybe? Hmmm, the Queue's been demoted to just one letter I see... perhaps John Cleese will look after my contributions now. Oh look I'm level 34! Wardrobe Malfunction, that a reference to IKEA maybe? ;) Anyway, cynacism mode cancel, blog over, hope you guys are well!
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