Spain sucks!! It´s official... Come here on holiday, come here to enjoy the sun and beaches, to eat healthy, Mediterranean dishes... but DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF LIVING HERE...
This is the third world of Europe... Africa with a Spanish accent! My victory over Vodafone with my pitiful internet connection was, unfortunately, short-lived. All over the weekend I could, if I was lucky, stay connected to Bad Company 2 long enough to join a match, look around, and when I started to move or fire, lost the connection!
We even visited the store in town, whose only piece of "helpful" advice was, get this, change companies!!! Even they didn't seem to care about my problem, or the fact they were charging me for 3MB when, on a good day, I never reached 1!!
Now we´re gonna have to change company, but in the meantime, with the Easter hols starting here from Wednesday, it´s doubtful I´ll be able to attend my own "Gamers Night" on The Battlefield Union...
Spain is the land genuine customer service forgot... Buy your holiday homes here, but don´t stick around to live here... It´s a different world!
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