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Dust of yer Spartan MK2s... Halo 4 is on the horizon!

Accidently came across this little vid from E3 which immediately caught my eye...

Kinda inevitable really, but after lots of waiting, looks like we can soon enjoy another adventure with everyone's favourite space marine... The one.... The Only... MASTER CHIEF!

That´s right, Halo 4 is set for a release in 2012, and here´s a sneak peak:

HALO 4 - Bring it on!!

Hope you guys like the vid...

Wasteland wandering update: the end is in sight!

It´s been a long and pleasant journey discovering every nook and cranny of the Capital Wasteland, but after more than 180 hrs of mutant bashing; exploration; problem solving and quests, the end of the journey is finally in sight for this weary wanderer.

Last night I finally finished Fallout 3 with a few difficult decisions to make before the final credits rolled, and now I´m ploughing my way through the last DLC - BROKEN STEEL - which, I have to admit, is a BLAST!

One single achievement separates me from 100% glory with a game that has stolen sooooo many sleepless nights with its engaging story, intriguing characters and 100s of distinct and varied places to explore from outposts of civilization and rocky outcrops to dark, deep caverns, swamps, ravines and so much more.

This game serves up a great deal of everything a great game should - action, decision making, humour and FUN, lots and lots of FUN!

Anyone looking for something different should check out this game but don´t expect to complete it overnight!

There's a brave new world on the other side of the Vault... and it´s yours for the taking!

Borderlands GOTY Edition FINALLY arrived!!

Today is indeed a good day...

FINALLY, after 6 months and 4 tries, PLAY:COM have finally managed to get my copy of Borderlands:Game of the Year Edition to me! It's been a long hard struggle, but hopefully worth it. In the UK Play are the bizz, in Spain there's always a 50:50 that the game won´t arrive (I have my suspicions that they simply get nabbed en-route - probably some postie called "Pablo" in the sorting office in Madrid with a house full of Borderlands copies by now getting in the way of my delivery!!)

Been looking forward to trying something new, and I think this game should be the ticket... Will take it for a spin this weekend (ok, tonight!) and let you know my thoughts on it!

As it´s the GOTY edition, not only do I have the original game, but also the 4 DLCs... so many games, so little time!

New clan hits Gamespot - Warrior Clan. Check it out!

Just joined a new Union, the "Warrior Clan", and first impressions are pretty encouraging...

No more "five word story" or "what was the last thing you ate" threads... Nope, this union promises to actually talk about what´s important - online gaming in all its forms. If you love playing action shooters online, on whatever console or platform, this could be just what you´ve been wishing for...!

Hopefully, I might at last be able to learn some actual tips on how to improve my game or kill/death ratio, instead of reading the usual benign drivel about favourite foods or what members did last night... If they're not gaming, they should tweet this sort of trivial rantings instead of posting it on a blog about gaming...

Just my thoughts, but I see a shining new union in the gamespot library, and one I have high hopes for...

Check out the "Warrior Clan", sign up and get involved... You won´t be disappointed!!

Thanks to all who attended the first Battlefield Union Game Night

... or Bear!!

The first Battlefield Union game night for the XBOX was a success in that, of all the Battlefield Union members who spend a lot of time talkin' about the game... we now know who the hardcore really are!

Huge thanks to Bear Newman (bikerbear13) for making the 5 or 6 hours of Bad Company 2 gamage so much fun. OK, I have to admit, I suck at BC2, but who cares, it's soooo much fun and I´ve made dying with style a new artform! I managed to unblock a few new guns, and by the 2 hour stage I'd finally got my game on long enough to start dolling out the pain instead of simply receiveing it... Was that a bush or a sniper.... (kit selection screen)... aaah, it was a sniper!

I had fun until sleep got the better of me and I turned in for four hours shut eye until walking the 1km to work... by a beach... with sun... How I managed to make it to the office still beats me, but it passed quickly as I relived my "Battlefield Moments" in my mind, counting the hours til I can play again and, hopefully, one day master how to snipe with the T88 sniper rifle...

Although, to be fair, I´m not sure that's even possible!

Can´t wait for the next game night

back in the game...!


My girlfriend has done it again! Through hours and hours of phone calls, we finally appear to have internet running at a whopping 6MB... Ok,ok I know that´s crap, but not for Spain!!

Can´t wait to escape the office and crank up a few games of battlefield bad company 2 with my mates...

Yippeeeeee once again!!

PAIN in Spain...

Spain sucks!! It´s official... Come here on holiday, come here to enjoy the sun and beaches, to eat healthy, Mediterranean dishes... but DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF LIVING HERE...

This is the third world of Europe... Africa with a Spanish accent! My victory over Vodafone with my pitiful internet connection was, unfortunately, short-lived. All over the weekend I could, if I was lucky, stay connected to Bad Company 2 long enough to join a match, look around, and when I started to move or fire, lost the connection!


We even visited the store in town, whose only piece of "helpful" advice was, get this, change companies!!! Even they didn't seem to care about my problem, or the fact they were charging me for 3MB when, on a good day, I never reached 1!!

Now we´re gonna have to change company, but in the meantime, with the Easter hols starting here from Wednesday, it´s doubtful I´ll be able to attend my own "Gamers Night" on The Battlefield Union...

Spain is the land genuine customer service forgot... Buy your holiday homes here, but don´t stick around to live here... It´s a different world!


The Bear Essentials

Finally, with a little friendly encouragement from a good friend, Bear, I decided to stop dithering and renewed by Xbox Live Gold account... It was painful, shelling out 60 Euros for something the PS3ers get for free, but what could I do... I´m not made of money and the thought of selling all my Xbox stuff to start from scratch with a PS3 just wasn't plausable.

So I paid the piper, and now have 12 glorious months of online fun ahead of me... While I was at it, couldn't resist picking up 1000 MPs which I quickly spent on BFBC2 Vietnam (600 points, half price thanks to a promotion in Spain), Onslaught mode and a few extras for my girl and her fav game, Red Dead Redemption.

I went online and realised just how bad I´d become at my beloved Bad Company... 100s of deaths later and I finally got into the swing of things, with the confusion of buttons or crouching behind a wall when I had someone in my sights safely behind me the 60 euros so painfully spent suddenly seemed worth it... Online is SO MUCH FUN, and Bad Company one of the best!

Can´t wait to try Vietnam and BFBC 2 online to see if, given time, it can beat Bad Company as the most fun you can have with an Xbox and gold account...

Medal of Honor.... First impressions not good!!

Decided to take Medal of Honor for a spin last night and it could have been because it was 11 at night, or that I was sleepy, but the first impressions I got were not overwhelmingly optimistic...

The graphics were lousy - pretty much the same as MOH:Airborne (which was made in 2007!!), I seemed to pull off headshots without really trying and in just an hour I´d already retaken an airfield and driven across mountain paths with a quad bike (ok, I admit, that WAS FUN!!), all with a cheesy B-Movie style plot of the careful general and gung-ho politician safely directing everything from his office in the US!!

Hopefully when I dedicate some time to it this weekend things will improve, if not... WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!

xbox live.. buy now, or wait a little??

Itching to renew my XBOX Live account but, to be honest, there's no real offers around at the moment... Through XBOX I can get a helmet for my Avatar from Homefront (ooooo), or from Game I can get 800 MS Points thrown into the deal...

I hear that PS3 owners can play for free, and while my union activities have me gaining a real itching to rejoin the online gaming mayhem, another part of me says "why should I?"... "What's Microsoft gonna do for me?"

So listen up Microsoft, stop being cheap and come up with some better deals to entice punters to shell out almost 60 Euros to do something Sony allow for free... Game online!!

3000 MS Points for free with a year's XBOX LIVE suscription would be a good start... then I might actually get round to renewing and not start thinking about selling my XBOX and buying a pS3...

No pressure, but I´m sure I'm not the only one thinking like this!! I know I´m probably dreaming, but it'd be nice if you guys gave something back to the millions of Xboxer's out there who support you and resist the urge to abandon XBOX to its fate and buy a PS3 and FREE online gaming...