... Now my only problem is finding time to play it...!
... Now my only problem is finding time to play it...!
At last!! The nice people at Vodafone (after problems with their rival, Telefonica (the BT of Spain) have finally set up my internet connection!! It´s a laughable 3GB, but it´ll do for online gaming and blogging!
Next stop, renewing my XBOX Gold account and getting back into online gaming!
Yippee!! :);)
Gonna be moving home from next week, so until I get internet fixed in my new pad I´m not sure when I´ll be next online...
Just seen the first gameplay movie from Battlefield 3 - which blew me away! It was like watching an episode of Generation Kill - a quality of gameplay graphics I haven´t seen for a long time...
They say the final game will feature destructable scenery like in Bad Company, hope they´re right.
One to watch, starting here:
Rock on!
Just been offered a post as an officer for The Battlefiled:Bad Company Union which was nice!
The union rocks so I guess I'll accept!
At last - the waiting is over and I finally got around to unboxing my new iMac - 27" of the best computer on the market!!!
I'm soooo impressed with the speed and power of everything - no waiting for buffering in Gamespot, just click the video I want to watch and enjoy. I can't believe I suffered so long with Microsoft and I'm in danger of becoming yet another Apple fanboy...
Only problem now is use the iMac, or enjoy my Xbox 360???
Great news - FINALLY got my hands on a copy of COD:MW2!!
Itching to take it for a spin as I actually loved Modern Warfare, especially the Black Hawk Down esque attack on a TV station so it should be interesting to see whether the second installment measures up to all the hype...
... Only downside is that I'm currently in the UK visitin my folks, and my XBOX is in SPAIN... grrr!
Hope everyone had an excellent christmas and new year and that it snows so we can all stay at home and warm ourselves by the glow of our XBOX's!!
All the best for 2011
Just thought I'd update my progress in Fallout 3...
I´ve finished Mothership Zeta, Operation Anchorage and Point Lookout, and I've just finished Tranquility Lane, meaning I think I´m finally nearing the end of my journery through the Capital Wastelands.
Mothership Zeta was fun in the beginning, but then got a little samey with the missions; Operation Anchorage was probably the closest Fallout can be to COD - mountain setting, lots of action - great (if short!). Point Lookout was fun - an amazing amount of work went into creating the swampy atmosphere, the sound effects and insects and a few hilarious moments experimenting with plants leads to probably the best DLC I´ve played up to now...
I´ve just started Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome... sorry, meant The Pitt, and all in all Fallout 3 has shaped up to be one of the best buys within my humble collection - hours of fun, exploring, decisions and excellent characters throughout. A must-buy for anyone looking for a game with HOURS of off-line play potential...!
Maybe, with a bit of dedication, I might even finish it one day (he, he)
Just hopin' that Santa overlooks my dodgy dealings this year (I work in Real Estate, what more can I say!!) and brings me XBOX LIVE...
Soooo many games where the only achievements I´m missing are online it's annoying... Why do XBOX players have to pay, when others can play online free of charge? grrrr
Hopefully, in 2011 I can FINALLY get to grips with Bad Company and Bad Company 2 online and not just when there's a free XBOX LIVE weekend on...
Oh, and Merry Christmas to all who pop in to read my rantings!
Just saw the latest trailers for OF:Red River... and have to admit it´s looking good. Just hope they make a good job and give dedication to online play, throw in a heap of interesting and varied missions and generally don´t cash in with "yet" another COD clone...
One thing though - hope they let you choose your weapons. I found myself playing OF:DR last night (always a good sign if I return to a game) and it was fun, but I hated having to use what they wanted me to use to complete the level... Or killing a sniper, only to found his body (and gun) disappear when I´d legged it over 200 m to his body... grrrr!
Also the ammo problem... I quickly found myself out of ammo, which is fine for the realism aspect, but when I made it back to where the US forces were, the least they could do is leave a few ammo crates or a supply truck...
Anyway - if you´re listening CodeMasters keep up the good work and make OF:RR all it can be... Pleeeeeeeeeease!!
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