If any of you are still wondering what payment plans EA and their Gestapo have for SPORE, then this post shoould help you out.
taken from an announcement on the official site - http://www.spore.com/press_033108.php
Sharing or "downloading" player created content is a core feature of Spore, not at all something that is part of the Spore Store or even under consideration for additional charge. The entire game is based on players making creatures, buildings, and vehicles which can be accessed from what we call our Sporepedia – a web based collection of all player created assets.
The Spore Store simply gives players the ability to purchase out-of-game merchandise such as t-shirts and posters or any additional game products we might make down the road such as expansion packs. For example, we are working with a company to provide the option for 3D versions of a player's creature to be made and the Spore Store is where that purchase would originate. We have also mentioned that we will be providing the Creature Creator tool as a stand alone product in the month or two before the game launches so that players can begin to design their creatures, but we do not have plans to sell individual parts via micro-transactions.
taken from google link - http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/casestudies/ea.html
The Spore Creature Creator will be released within the commercial game and as a standalone free download for PCs prior to the game's launch. Millions of creatures are anticipated to be created, many of which will be cropping up on YouTube. Spore will have its own YouTube Channel where the most popular videos of users' creations uploaded using YouTube's APIs will be showcased in front of the YouTube community.
So with a game that you only have to pay for once, AND a free demo, it looks as though EA has shown its softer side this time around. Maybe they're not so bad at all.....expect Sims 3 to cost $100 and expansion packs requiring down payments, and/or first borns.
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