@abHS4L88 What sales pick up?. When they've emptied their current inventory of games and periperals, It will be online sales, only. Wii U=EPIC FAIL. Hanging onto the Wii name, instead of giving the console it's own name and promoting it for it's own merits was a mistake. Half of those "casual" gamers they were so proud of think the Wii U is just an add-on to the original Wii.
@Jeremiah Bautista I remember that E3, when Nintendo yanked the rug out from under Sony in front of everyone. It was ugly, really ugly. I thought the Sony contingent was going to slit their bellies, they seem to take it so HARD. Nintendo was paid back, big time, with the release of Sony's first console. I still remember how silly we thought the name was, then.
@stan_boyd @HAMMERCLAW Absolutely! It's like I told people online, weeks ago. Nothing with Microsoft is set in stone. If a policy doesn't work, they'll change it. Most of the people complaining about Microsoft changing things, weren't going to buy an XBO, whatever.
I detect a distinct feeling of dismay and chagrin from some of these indie developers. I think they're worried about drowning in a sea of competitors, now, with each XBO being a dev kit.
HAMMERCLAW's comments