@Bigevil1978 @HAMMERCLAW Honey, if you want to hate Microsoft, go right ahead; no one will stop you. Narrow minded bigots ALWAYS find something to hate. I've got a closet full of expensive video game console peripherals, and none of the are to a Microsoft console. Your precious Sony is charging for live Play too, now. I wonder what unpleasant surprises THEY have in store. Oh, bu t I forgot; THEY l-o-v-e you. Cretin.
If Microsoft wants to increase Live membership, they should include it with Gold at no additional monthly charge. That would automatically save gamers two thirds the cost of ESO solo, and give them all the perks due them paying Union Dues, I mean as Xbox Gold Subscribers. I mean, seriously, $180 American is a lot to pay for access to only ONE game. Talk about a paywall, sheesh!
HAMMERCLAW's comments