In Robert Heinlein's "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, the protagonist Manuel O'Kelly a mainframe computer tech, coins the term, TANSTAAFL(There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch), meaning SOMEONE has to pay for it, and ain't it so.
I love Skyrim's big open world, but combat does suck if you are anything but an archer. Dragon Age combat IS much more refined and sophisticated. What I hated about Dragon Age was the primitive background graphics and last-gen architecture. 3 looks like a vast improvement in both regards. Should be an interesting game.
@aci808 No, but dropping the price WITH Kinect is more than just a possibility. They'd just eat the loss and wait for better days. Wouldn't cost them near as much as RROD.
@aci808 Even Sony has stated that DRM is up to the Developers, which means it can also occur on the PS4, with them batting their eyes, vapidly and cooing "it wasn't us."
@aci808 If they did that, it would be just a game console, like the PS4. So, just get a PS4. It's alright; millions of gamers bought the PS2 also,because they couldn't understand why anyone would want to be connected to the internet and play online. Don't worry though, you'll understand Kinect, eventually.
HAMMERCLAW's comments