Haarhus' forum posts
D3 had photo realistic graphics in early development also but they decided to change it, they actually showed some screenshots at GDC 2012 - (Scroll down to "Developing Environments" to see them)
I believe BioWare announced that they work on DA3 and also they gave some information that there will be multiplayer and stuff.Dragon age is still not announced right? with nothing on the Mass Effect side as well, what is Biowae doing? are they using all their resources to keep Old Republic going?
Will Diablo 3 be fully soloable? I have tried getting into the old Diablo games multiple times and kept running into monsters that had traits such as being completely immune to all physical or magical attacks, making one type of character viable by him/herself through the whole game. I tried finding a character editor so I could just make a perfect character so I could just breeze through and enjoy the story but the cheat market for Diablo is so ginormous that all the editors I came across were either malware or paid services to help you cheat in multiplayer.Kell_the_GamerYes the game will be fully soloable, in D3 there won't be fully immune monsters, just reduced damage if enemy has resistances, that's one of the mistakes Blizzard did with D2 and they admitted it on their forums.
D3 runs on very different system unlike D or D2 so cheating and cracking the game will be almost impossible, unless you make private server that will be supper buggy, so don't worry about hacks, with RMAH in play Blizzard will do everything to stop them. Also why play solo when multiplayer is a lot more fun? I can't imagine myself playing singleplayer in D2, I would die from boredom in few hours.
Do you understand that you can't crack D3 because all data is stored on their servers like in WoW. All you can do is make a private server which will be a lot worse and buggy than official one. Always on-line means it will be easier for them to deal with hacks and bots, having this DRM benefits them and players. At last Blizzard is smart enough not to pay attention to narrow minded kids like you, I respect them for that.[QUOTE="Haarhus"]
Its kinda weird, somebody making a new profile talking up the game of GS forum about the beta, this close to the actual game's release.
Anyways, I'm gonna have to ignore Diablo 3 at this moment sadly. I can't see the wisdom of having an always-on internet DRM even when playing single-player; I travel a lot and don't always have internet.
I'll probably wait for price drops, pick it up on cheap and then get a crack. Its sad really but its easier to run pirated games these days than legit ones. And I used to think that blizzard were a pro-consumer company. Although I pretty sure Acti-f**king-vision had something to do with that DRM.vivekraikkonen
Look, I genuinely have no interest in how their online DRM works. And I can't see how it is of any benefit to me, considering I will probably have to pass on this game because of that always-online thing. If I'm not wrong, I'm not alone in this and a lot of people have already complained about it. Heck, go the the main GameSpot page today, Laura Parker has criticised it. Not everybody has internet available to them 24x7.
You have an always-on internet, you can play this. Good for you. That doesn't make it any more convenient for the rest of us that don't. Read that post again, I never said I was gonna pirate the game, I never have done, never will. You have to understand the difference between picking a game up cheap on sale and stealing it.
My job requires me to travel a lot and I spend a lot of time sitting alone in a hotel room in remote places where my only pass-time is playing single player games on my laptop. I don't think it is too much for me to ask from a game that I've PURCHASED to let me play SINGLE-player hassle-free.
And perhaps this will be too much for you to understand that I said I'll have to download a crack EVEN AFTER I will purchase it; whether it works or not thats another matter. Its that DRM thats gonna make me get that crack even after buying it; or not going to let play the game at all even after purchase, which seems likely now; going by your explaination of the DRM that you "respect" Blizzard so much for.
I never realized that having a 24x7 internet connection was a compulsary requirement for gaming, especially for single-player. Go back just a few years, take even Diablo 2 for that matter. Diablo 2 didn't have any DRM, I bought it and played the hell out of it; so did millions of others. Those who wanted to play online still played online just alright, people like me were happy with the single-player experience they got out of the game. Blizzard made millions from that game, going a long way in making Blizzard what it is now. All that without a DRM.
You quote me WoW as example. I hope you do realize the difference between a single-player and a MMO game.
In the end, I'll probably end up ignoring Diablo 3 and picking up Torchlight 2 whenever that comes out. Atleast it won't have me dealing with the hassles of DRM to play single-player. Its the DRM thats making Blizzard lose out on my purchase, as well as other like me. Good luck respecting that. And lets see how many copies of Diablo III get pirated and how many it prevents.
Oh btw, calling someone "narrow-minded kid" on a public forum is the not really the way to get your point across.
SWTOR sold so much just because of names; Star Wars and BioWare, also because of stupid hype. As a game it failed hardcore, one of the worst MMOs I have ever played (I played most of them). Everything in SWTOR was horribly done aside from questing system, it wasn't engines fault. TESO may turn out a lot better game with same engine, I wonder if they made the game PG or M like Skyrim, this will have big impact on the game's overall atmosphere.
Do you understand that you can't crack D3 because all data is stored on their servers like in WoW. All you can do is make a private server which will be a lot worse and buggy than official one. Always on-line means it will be easier for them to deal with hacks and bots, having this DRM benefits them and players. At last Blizzard is smart enough not to pay attention to narrow minded kids like you, I respect them for that.Its kinda weird, somebody making a new profile talking up the game of GS forum about the beta, this close to the actual game's release.
Anyways, I'm gonna have to ignore Diablo 3 at this moment sadly. I can't see the wisdom of having an always-on internet DRM even when playing single-player; I travel a lot and don't always have internet.
I'll probably wait for price drops, pick it up on cheap and then get a crack. Its sad really but its easier to run pirated games these days than legit ones. And I used to think that blizzard were a pro-consumer company. Although I pretty sure Acti-f**king-vision had something to do with that DRM.vivekraikkonen
Doubtful, Diablo 3 will have a larger playerbase than GW2, you can quote me on that. GW1 sold over 6 million copies. That's obviously very good. Diablo 2 sold about 4 million, its expansion another million. Diablo 1 sold about 2.5 million. Unless Diablo 3 really sucks, it will luckily sell more than Diablo 2, and chances are Blizzard players from WoW, Starcraft will also buy Diablo 3. So what your looking at are one hugely successful game. Even if Guild Wars 2 sells more than Guild Wars 1, which it will, Blizzard has a much large fan base.[QUOTE="Brean24"][QUOTE="JohnF111"]No thanks but millions will go missing because they'll be playing GW2.Tailwar
If that's accurate I didn't realize GW1 was so successful.
It's not accurate because wiki doesn't count diablo battle chests, and also note that GW sold 6 million including 3 expansions.Pay 2 Win confirmed. Blizz fanboys celebrate!KHAndAnimeWin what? PvP in D3 is not competitive.
What did Blizzard do to the combat? Looks like everything is in slow motion. This is based on YouTube videos of gameplay footage I have seen.
I don't think it's slow motion, combat looks a lot more fun than in previous Diablo games.
I hope there's run speed at least. MythPro1There is a speed stat but with limit cap to 25% (skills can break that limit cap)
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