I still believe Sony deserves the majority of the blame for this whole mess. Sony are the ones who decided to push NMS as a $60 retail game. If this had been a $20 or maybe a $30 digital only game, nearly all the hate would have been completely avoided. You put a $60 price tag on a game and press it on a disc, and people will be completely justified in expecting it to be an epic, AAA, space RPG, which is absolutely not what we got. As far as Hello Games being overly ambitious with their promises for the game, it is nothing different that what Peter Molyneux has spent his entire career doing. I'd much rather a developer aim for the stars but only reach the Moon, than be content just aiming for across the street.
Does everything need to be a f'ing video? I'd much rather just read a list of the "6 things". I really wish you would put (Video) or something int the title so I could stop wasting my time clicking on this stuff.
Also, to anyone who plays videos on their phone in public without headphones, F*** YOU.
@ember_to_flame: That is my biggest issue here, I don't see anything that makes this a RE game. If they wanted to retain the "Resident Evil" name just for advertising purposes, then it should have just been a subtitled offshoot. I haven't seen anything that shows this game is worthy of being called "Resident Evil 7".
Am I the only one that thinks this looks stupid? The whole crazy hillbilly thing has been done to death. The three things I want from a RE game are Umbrella, zombies, and monsters, and I don't see a hint of any of those in what they have shown.
Its shit like this that makes me embarrassed to tell people I play video games. The non-game media is going to go nuts over this. A game in which you play as a man brutally murdering women. Thats just what this industry needs. I don't see how the ESRB is going to give that anything other than an AO rating, which means Sony and Microsoft won't allow it on their consoles.
I'll never understand why Nintendo insists on continuing to make hardware. They've been dead last in 3 of the last 4 console cycles (Wii was a fad anomaly). It just seems to me if you cut out all their costs associated with designing/building/distributing hardware, and then add in all the extra money they would make by putting their games on Xbox/PS, that would put them in an amazing financial position.
I've been laughing at these Wall Street idiots for two weeks now, this just confirms my thoughts. These morons ran up Nintendo's stock 100%, when Nintendo doesn't have anything to do with Pokemon Go, and they aren't seeing any profit from it.
I think the reviewers ignoring the fact that Blizzard is charging $60 (on consoles) for this is a huge disservice to consumers. This game sounds interesting and I'd like to try it out, but $60 is absurd for the tiny amount of content, regardless of the quality of that content. I loved Team Fortress (essential what this game is), but I never would have payed $60 for it.
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