@bdiddytampa: It basically sounds like they are going to a smartphone model. Release a new console every 12ish months that is slightly more powerful than the last. So, like phone games, each game will probably run on the last 3-5 revisions. (i.e. a new Android game might just run on the Galaxy 4, 5 or 6, but nothing earlier) This sounds like a total nightmare for developers. At least on phones, all the games come from the App Store/Play Store, and you only see stuff that is compatible with your phone/tablet. I don't know how they are going to manage that with physical games. I can see a lot of people picking up a new Xbox/Playstation game, then sticking the game in the console only for it to tell them they need a newer console to play this. Nightmare for developers, retailers, consumers, and the marketing department.
@BigPrimeNumbers: The big question here is, how much extra time and money will it take for developers to make a game that will take advantage of the new hardware, but also still run on the older hardware. Its not like they can just stick an Xbox One game in the new Xbox One (Xbox Two? Xbox One.5?) and it will automatically look and/or run better. Regardless, there will be additional expense in the form of time and money for developers to take advantage of this. How much of the Xbox One install base will be willing to transition to the new hardware? And with a small install base of the new hardware, will it be worth it for developers to take advantage of the new hardware?
I not liking this time travel crap. I like getting to see the past events fist hand, but Bran shouldnt be able to change the past. At this point he could just go back in time, kill Tywin Lanister when he was a baby, and boom Starks live happily ever after, The End.
Yes Please!!!! The stuff Human Head showed looked amazing. I also see Arkane Austin has positions open for a new "AAA FPS" game. https://jobs.zenimax.com/locations/view/3
I'm a huge fan of this series and have been following the development of this film since it was announced, and its clear to me that this film will only be very loosely based on King's books. I typically don't have any issue with altering a characters race for a film, in fact I think Idris Elba would be a great James Bond. However, in this case casting Roland as a black man completely breaks the established norms of Outworld, and more significantly breaks one of the most important relationships in the series, that of Roland and Odetta (later called Susannah).
@CrouchingWeasel: I just have Firefox set to "click to load flash" so there is no auto-run. If they have a video I want to watch I just go directly to their youtube page.
No Co-op = no purchase. I loved the co-op arena and adventure modes from earlier games. I'm still looking forward to the campaign, but for that I'll just redbox it for $3.
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