Hahadouken's forum posts
This. I don't understand how these rumors persist. This is like Mario coming to Xbox. It just isn't going to happen, ever, unless Nintendo stops developing consoles and becomes a third-party publisher.MS owns Halo, so it's not possible.
[QUOTE="savebattery"]Everyone told me how great Assassin's Creed was, so I played it. It sucked. Then everyone told me how much better Assassin's Creed II was, so I played that one. And it sucked. Then everyone told me how much better Brotherhood was, and I fell for it again. That one sucks too. And don't even get me started on Altair's Chronicles, Legacy, or Bloodlines. I've played six Assassin's Creed games and hated every last one of them. No longer will I even consider giving an Assassin's Creed game a chance. The stories are pretentious and nonsensical, the combat is shallow and repetitive, the enemy AI is terrible, the mission structure of the games is predictable and repetitive, the soundtracks are unremarkable, the voice acting is annoying, and the games overall seem to emphasize flash over substance at every opportunity. Everything looks fluid and great, but I only feel vaguely in control of my character while I'm playing. You hold the analog stick in a general direction and your character moves about acrobatically, but there's no actual skill involved. There could have been outstanding platforming elements in the series, but I view it as a missed opportunity because the developers thought it was more important for it to look good. But hey, at least they look pretty.lazerface216
haha it took you 6 games to realize this?
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over and expecting different results". - Albert Einstein Perhaps this gentleman was on to something, he seems like a smart dude. :PLMAO What is this I don't even... "The running looks repetitive". This could be the funniest/worst complaint I have ever heard about anything. Running... repetitive... putting one foot in front of the other in the exact same fashion over and over is the very definition of running. Please show me an example of running that isn't "repetitive". :lol: Actually, you are right, it was a stupid comment. By that, I more meant that it seems like there's just one canned "running" animation. Something like that could pass on last gen systems, but not here. Something more dynamic, like having the character onscreen react when he climbs up something, look like he's moving with weight. Perhaps I can never explain it well, but it just seems something that's not this gen. It's kinda like press the run button, have your character run at set speed, stop, and they stop. No weight, nothing. I don't want to be controlling Mario, I wanna be controlling something that's weighty, ex. Nico Bellic, John Marston, Nathan Drake, Cole McGrath. Either you get my comment, or I'm coming off as incredibly dumb. Wish I could explain it better, but I really can't. Naw I get you, I see where you're coming from. Looks alright to me personally, I mean look at other players in COD and you see what it looks like in third person, it's no screaming hell either, but nobody really cares or notices. I just thought stripping your statement down to "the running looks repetitive" was just hilarious. I'm still chuckling typing it. Not hating at all, and I'm not huge SOCOM fanboy or apologist, I don't think it looks mind-bendingly awesome either, but repetitive running just struck me as pretty damn funny as a complaint against something. Glad you could see where I was coming from there because I wasn't trying to troll or flame.[QUOTE="Hahadouken"][QUOTE="Blabadon"]
Laaaaazy. Character running looks stiff and repetitive, and being able to continually run while pushed against an object? Even handheld games have things where they detect boundaries and stop running so you don't look idiotic. That being said, I hope it does Move some justice.
LMAO What is this I don't even... "The running looks repetitive". This could be the funniest/worst complaint I have ever heard about anything. Running... repetitive... putting one foot in front of the other in the exact same fashion over and over is the very definition of running. Please show me an example of running that isn't "repetitive". :lol:Laaaaazy. Character running looks stiff and repetitive, and being able to continually run while pushed against an object? Even handheld games have things where they detect boundaries and stop running so you don't look idiotic. That being said, I hope it does Move some justice.
Yeah... except they really aren't. Like, at all. It's not even a subjective view of the game, to call RDR's graphics "terrible" is an outright fallacy. Nope. Its called being used to PC games. Blurry, muddy, low res, pixelated, fuzzy and jaggy washed out mess is what the game is.[QUOTE="Hahadouken"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] Red Dead's graphics are terrible :SMozelleple112
RDR in 1920x1080p with 8 X AA and 16 X AF on PC however... Would blow my mind ;)
It's called relativity. Ferrarri's are faster than GTR's. Does this make GTR's "slow"? It does not. I love this elitist snobbery about PC games. I PC game as well, it's not like you're part of some super secret covenant. Simply put, RDR doesn't have "terrible" graphics in any way shape or form.
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